Bionic Lapdock and X2


Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
A hole in the ground with a couch.
Ive had a chance to use the Bionic lapdock and let me say it is cool. I figured I would plug in my X2 to see what happens and works!! As expected it mirrors the phones image on the screen and you can use the mouse and clicker on the phone as well. It does not have a desktop experience like the Bionic, but it does work. Who knows maybe someone will grab the software needed to make it work like the Bionic on the X2 sometime soon....

On another note, I plugged in the Droid 3 on the lapdock and it did not work. The mouse did not work with the droid 3 rendering the phone useless in the dock.

Just some random info I would share.
Very cool, I just can't see myself getting another laptop! I have read some reviews and haven't seen a real positive... I.e. can't be used without the phone, mouse tends to cut out, keys are gummy.

Do you have any of these problems?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
I love my lapdock it may safe me from having to buy a tablet.
Very cool, I just can't see myself getting another laptop! I have read some reviews and haven't seen a real positive... I.e. can't be used without the phone, mouse tends to cut out, keys are gummy.

Do you have any of these problems?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

I have the availability of a lapdock almost at any time. What Ive used of it, The mouse is ok, the keyboard did not bother me at all. Battery life is decent!! The screen is also very nice. Using the X2 on it is funny, people say "oh is that the bionic in that?" i say nope, my X2. They look at me like i have three heads :p

There were a few things that bothered me with it. I found myself wanting to poke the screen all the time haha, just trying to break habit....but the other thing I noticed that i did not like was the lack of android specific keys on the keyboard. I thought this was a major flaw. I have a Xoom with the bluetooth keyboard from Moto and that has a back button, home key, browser, market, and I believe another. Those keys make it way more convenient. The lapdock keyboard has NONE of these. In the grand scheme of things, its not a big deal....but I felt it should have been included.
I'm on the fence between the Motorola Lapdock 100 and the Motorola Lapdock 500, there's a $100 difference between the two, which over all the most expensive one isn't any where near what a new laptop would cost me. Is it the equivalent to a laptop? I'm hesitant cause there aren't many reviews on either one of them as of now. PLEASE HELP :) droid
Very cool, I just can't see myself getting another laptop! I have read some reviews and haven't seen a real positive... I.e. can't be used without the phone, mouse tends to cut out, keys are gummy.

Do you have any of these problems?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

I can say I love it. Especially if you don't have wifi everywhere, you can pull this out, plug in and charge your phone and go online anywhere through your phones data..
i too see the use for them especially with some of the ubuntu hacks they have