Blackberry BBM Officially Announced for Android & iOS; Coming This Summer


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

For folks who have been wishing that Blackberry would eventually port BBM (Blackberry Messenger) to Android or iOS, you can stop rubbing your magic lamp now. Blackberry just officially announced during their Blackberry Live conference they will be bringing BBM to both Android and iOS sometime this summer. Right now the details are limited , but they confirmed the messaging services and their BlackBerry Channels service will be made available through BBM for iOS and Android. We will keep an eye out and share as more details emerge.

Hasn't this been quite a long time coming?

Source: BGR
I think this is the first step to their end. BB could strictly become a software company (developing apps) at this point.
took em long enough, this would have been useful to me the year or so ago when they first mentioned it was coming THAT summer. Now no one I know used blackberry anymore.