"Blacked Out" Sapphire 2.0..... Screenshots....

The OP has been updated with a zip that will install a MM friendly framework...

just let me know if you guys have trouble......

I applaud you for flexing for your theme users' needs...:clap::)
NP, just let me know if it works....:)
So the framework came up and worked? If so then, I don't know what the issue is.. I decompiled/compiled with 4.9 to remove the -v4 from the end of all the folders.....
I see the problem, I am going to remove the link until I get this fixed.. what happened was 4.9 put back two of each folder, a regular one and one that ends with -v4??? I REALLY hate 4.9.....:)
I see the problem, I am going to remove the link until I get this fixed.. what happened was 4.9 put back two of each folder, a regular one and one that ends with -v4??? I REALLY hate 4.9.....:)
What happened was that you did not delete the resources.arsc file in the keep folder so that it would compile a new resources.arsc file referencing the new drawable folders without the -v4...
OK, gotcha... so just deleting the doubles won't work???
OK, so just option 9, option 11, y, y, delete the resources.arsc ONLY, and I should be good, correct?
OK, so just option 9, option 11, y, y, delete the resources.arsc ONLY, and I should be good, correct?

Yes, along with deleting the -v4 from those 4 drawable folders..
When do you delete the v4?
When do you delete the v4?

while in the keep folder...when you also delete the resources.arsc file.... what will happen is that APKtool wil recompile a new resources.arsc file, but referencing the drawable folders without the -v4
Thanks MBK, you are the man!!!

Everyone, I have some things to do right now but for all you MM users, I believe MBK has gotten me straight and I will post a FW that works for you guys tonight... Sorry about the wait, but I have things I have to do..

Good things shall come to those that wait.....:)
Thanks MBK, you are the man!!!

Everyone, I have some things to do right now but for all you MM users, I believe MBK has gotten me straight and I will post a FW that works for you guys tonight... Sorry about the wait, but I have things I have to do..

Good things shall come to those that wait.....:)
I have your original and can recompile it -v4/less for them to try in the meantime...but it's up to you bro...
By all means man, post it up!!! Thanks a lot, and I will give the process a try tonight!!