Bluetooth stuttering when using Cardboard Bohemian Rapsody


Active Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Moto Z Force
Bohemian Rhapsody Experience - Android Apps on Google Play

So this app made bluetooth audio go stuttery on Moto sd11 headphones and an exogear speaker. The app played fine over the usb c headphone adapter. I had to cycle through the bluetooth connection to get it to go back to normal after using this app as well. Anyone try this yet and have the same experience?
I've got a new pair of BT headphones coming in the mail today and my oldies in the drawer at home. Was planning to try the new ones out with this app this evening, so I'll let you know.
Downloading now. I'll let you all know if I experience it with any of my BT equipment.

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Same here too. Saw a review on the Play Store similar to what you said. Your initials aren't HM are they?

Tapped from a Nexus 6
Yeah probably me. Just wanted affirmation that my phone wasn't the only one. I think I may go get the walmart $15 vr headset I saw. The google cardboard is ok, but this vr experience is amazing enough to warrant $15.
I've got a pair of Aukey BT phones that I just got. Didn't notice any issue with the sound.

My Cardboard, on the other hand, had me feeling cross-eyed.

I finally took it out & just put it in non-VR mode. Not quite as immersive that way, but still cool.

Sent from my Moto Z
Ok now bigger problem. Now all my bt audio devices have bad connections and stuttering. I was able to get my car to hold normal connection, but all my speakers and headphones won't work properly, even ones i had never connected before. Any suggestion other than reset?

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Update: after all that and a full factory reset from recovery, the issues with the headphones persist and Verizon sending a replacement.
Unfortunately, it may be a refurbished unit. Hopefully its new enough I may get new.

I am assuming the malfunction while in use with the google vr video app was just a coincidence, but I saw others having the same issue on the reviews for the app, just no followup to see it if really wrecked the BT audio, which apparently is pretty important for a phone with no headphone jack.
I got a refurb S4 at one point. Couldn't tell the difference at all. They really do a great job of making sure they're in like-new condition.

While a brand new device would be better for obvious reasons, I figure it's not that big of a deal to have a used unit to replace my used unit, as long as everything is in mint, working condition.

Still, I'm with you. You'd think it's new enough to warrant a NEW replacement.
Well it worked beautifully for me, and was very nicely done,!

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I bought the cheap VR headset from walmart and it worked well in it. Only issue is that headset has no "button", as in no capacitive button to push on screen from case to select things that are not timed cursor selections.
I get my replacement phone today and I will try it again just to see if it works/breaks bluetooth.

UPDATE: My replacement, which was in mint condition as far as I could tell, worked fine with the queen app and bluetooth. Must have been a weird coincidence that bluetooth dies right when I use that app.
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I have a Conan cardboard viewer that I got for free the first time he went to ComicCon. 1. it doesn't have the official cardboard QR to adjust things in the cardboard app. 2. it's got a hole in the bottom so you can poke your finger up in there and tap the screen to select stuff. Haha