booting manually with bootstrap recovery

Nov 17, 2009
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i have a droid 2 rooted and messing around with some things is there a manual way to boot into recovery if i needed to? i am using bootstrap
Boot into recovery:

- Power on while holding X key on keyboard

Boot into bootloader (if you want to SBF):

- Power on while holding...hmmm...just realized I haven't done that yet. On D1 it's pressing "up" on the D-Pad, so I suspect that on the D2 it's powering on while holding the Up arrow on the keyboard, but someone will have to verify that.
He wasn't talking about the bootloader but yes when you hold up it loads the bootloader

But with bootstrap to load it either open the app and hit reboot to recovery of if the phone is off pull the battery for like ten seconds and turn the phone back on
Or reboot twice within like 2 minutes it will load boot strap for you as long as you can boot into android your good