Bootloader D0.11 screen....then what?


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
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So yesterday I dropped my phone in a glass of water for a second, left it to dry on the night stand and went back to sleep. When I got up a few hours later, I dried it out in a bag of rice and then plugged it in to charge. After it charged I got a black screen that said simply "Bootloader D0.11 Battery OK OK To Program Connect USB Data Cable). I connected it to the computer and nothing happened, left it there for a few hours, plugged it back in to charge again and after a bit I heard it turn on, it seemed to be totally recovered at that time. I had full internet, facebook messages, emails, etc but there was no service so I couldn't make calls or texts. I called Verizon to ask for help and the guy said to take the battery out, wait a minute and put it back in. I did that and it went back to the black screen with the same Bootloader message and it hasn't turned back on since.

I have NO IDEA what the Bootloader message means and what to do from here. I am not tech savvy and don't know much about my phone. I plugged it into the computer but the Motorola icon that pops up doesn't do anything. Please help me fix my phone (in the easiest explanation possible), I'm going out of town this weekend and can't wait for a replacement from the insurance people!! Thanks!!
Thanks so much....although I'm not really sure how to load anything. I hope it's pretty self explanatory once you download it and connect the phone... I appreciate the help though, hopefully it works!
Okay, the RSD Lite 4.9 is installed on my computer but I have no idea how to load it onto my phone. Now what?
Okay, the RSD Lite 4.9 is installed on my computer but I have no idea how to load it onto my phone. Now what?

First, you install RSD Lite. Next, you install the Motorola drivers. Third, you download and unzip the SBF file I linked to in my first post. At that point, you will open RSD Lite, connect it via USB to your PC. You click the "..." button, find the SBF, then click "Start."

The process will take 10-15 minutes. If your phone does not boot-up like it should, then it's done.
I had to charge my phone before I could upload the programs, and while charging, everything came back, just like it did yesterday. But it has no service again and I'm worried it will blank out again like it did yesterday. Would you recommend that I still go through this process anyway?
My phone froze and did the bootloader like his phone did do I do the same thing that you told him to do