Bootloop after sbf from Apex 2.0 RC2 to .596


New Member
Jul 6, 2010
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I was running Apex 2.0 RC2 but needed to return to stock to take my phone back to verizon due to a malfunctioning gps. I flashed a .596 sbf over it thinking it would be fine but got stuck in a bootloop. Then I tried flashing the full 2.3.34 sbf over that but the phone remains in a bootloop.. Does anyone have and advice? Thanks in advance.
When I boot into recovery I can't get a menu to show up. I've tried every button but I'll try again, thanks
Well i had sbf'ed to .596 again and thats when it wasn't working. I sbf'ed back down to 2.3.34 and recovery worked just fine there. Odd, but I'm glad it got sorted out, thanks again nielsen.
I have seen that when you cant get the recovery options to come up. I had to pull the battery and then clear/wipe and was able to boot. Hope this helps!
I had a similar problem with .596 and I did some searching. Turns out with the new version instead of search you need to press the volume up and volume down buttons to get into stock recovery. To select an option you use the power button instead of the camera button.

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