Bought the extended battery...BATTERY LIFE STILL NO GOOD

Normally you can leave wifi and gps settings on all the time. I do on my droid 1. This is a bug. Follow my suggestions to work around it. Motorola is working on a fix.

If you are referring to me I understand its a bug. and I'm saying 2.2 didn't fix the wifi bug. GPS is fixed though. So for new folks that are skimming through and think 2.2 fixed the sleep issue, with GPS it did, but there are other sleep/drain issues that could explain why their battery is still dying with gps off.

What do you have your wifi sleep policy set to. Menu/network/wifi settings/menu/advanced.

Policy is set to sleep when screen turns off
I wasn't addressing my comments to anyone in particular.

Work around the droid x sleep bug on 2.1:
-turn off gps when done using
-turn off wifi when done using
-after charging unplug phone and reboot phone

Hopefully the final ota update will allow you to leave this stuff on all the time.

Other than that, an app/widget/live wallpaper may be draining your battery so dial *#*#4636#*#* after the phone has been unplugged for a while to find the culprit(s).
I just let mine run since Thur at 10am Texas time and plugged it in 2 hours ago so Sat at 1 30pm and I was only down to 30% so these phones can last for days just in how you set them up. My wifi is always on at home uses way less juice than searching for 3g signal. Gps always off, sync always on, battery on performance mode. I have no widgets that update. I am rooted 2.2 with bloatware removed. So to say you can't get good life from this phone is false.
Wow, I would hate it if my phone did that. The only thing I do is turn off GPS. I leave my wifi on all the time, bluetooth is also on all the time. I can easily go a day and a half with normal use. A full day with heavy use. I've gone three days with light use. This is on the factory battery.
I never said you couldn't get good battery life from this phone. I have just been stating that i myself have not. I truly believe that i have to blame it on all the widgets i have updating and never using wifi. Oh well, lucky for me i always do have a charger with me. Im just holding out for froyo.
Oucast try cutting your 3g off during the day when your not getting a signal, youll still get phone calls and texts
anybody getting over 22 hours must be pretty conservative of there use. I really find it hard to believe to browse the internet heavily all day and literally make a 'full day' 24 hour period. I think I'm noticing a slight improvement in battery life. Not revolutionary but I was using my phone like almost non-stop today and I got 6 hours and a few minutes so I guess thats pretty good.
anybody getting over 22 hours must be pretty conservative of there use. I really find it hard to believe to browse the internet heavily all day and literally make a 'full day' 24 hour period. I think I'm noticing a slight improvement in battery life. Not revolutionary but I was using my phone like almost non-stop today and I got 6 hours and a few minutes so I guess thats pretty good.
maybe if I kept my phone clocked to no more than 600mhz I'd get more mileage but I use profiles with setcpu where it could range from 500-800mhz depending on the temperature.
EDIT: my bad this is the X forum. I have the regular droid >_< *facepalm*
How to disable the 3g only while still getting phone calls?
How to disable the 3g only while still getting phone calls?

theres a widget on the market very similar to the power widget that gives you more options and more slots.

Do you have that widget name? I do have the extended widget installed and the only icon I can see for 3G gives me the option to choose between home and automatic and I believe this has nothing to do with disabling 3g and keeping the phone line active
Bought the extended battery, seems like that i should be getting more out of it.

Battery Life says it only has a full charger of 16 hours.... WIFI is turned off, GPS is off, Bluetooth is off. I'm running beautiful widget with live weather.
I finally got VZW online(*611) to send me a replacement extended battery. Should be here in a day or two. Mine didn't last as long as the stock battery.
Ive been using my phone since 8am when I got to the office. Literally been on it since I got to work (slow day, I do IT... its boring lol) Played a good 2 hours of Heavy Gunner (fun game) and some Carrom3D pool, while listening to music, sent a bunch of txts, got about 40 emails, and Im sitting at 40% battery. Just plugged in my phone so Ill have extra juice incase I go out after work. I dunno why you guys have such bad luck.

My phone is rooted on 2.1 with nextheme 2.1, All of the bloat is still on it (lazyness lol). I also run beautiful home w/ weather set to 2 hour updates. 30 sec screen timeout, GPS is ON, wifi is Off unless Im home or somewhere with Wifi, Sync is default.

Sounds like rogue apps or bad batteries. I actually get the advertised battery life out of this phone, around 7hours of use.