brand new stratosphere..2 hrs old...lagging bad


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
i just got the samsung stratosphere and it is really slow. lags and freezes for split seconds at a time. its like the verizon bloatware is using up all of my available memory. whats the point of getting a phone if the bloatware just uses up all your memory...any advise to fixing this? i dont have access to a pc to root it and remove the bloatware either...hellppppp
I had a stratosphere for a couple of months, I ended up going back to my Thunderbolt because it was just a little too slow for me. Otherwise it was a really good phone. (loved the keyboard)
It lags all the time, it is "normal", it isn't a real high-end phone, also if you are using the Facebook app, the update from yesterday or today really seemed to make it lag worse than normal. If you root it and install the Tweaked v2.1 ROM and RCHP kernel it is a little better (and there is a lot more free RAM) but it still lags.
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i miss my thunderbolt:(... craigslist here i come. thanks guys
eddiekeyton said:
is there anything good about it

I thought the keyboard was excellent, and the phone always worked. I was coming from a Thunderbolt that I had since release day. So any phone that just worked was good enough for me. I just couldn't live with the fact that it was so underpowered. I had about 110 apps on it, which I thought may have been slowing it down.
My nephew is using it now, he replaced a very beat up OG Droid and really feels the Stratosphere is an upgrade. If your going to keep it I think you may have to come to terms with its lack of speed. If you are able to return it and want a keyboard, I'd look at the Droid 4.
If you don't need a keyboard there are a myriad of good phones to choose from. They all have their pluses and minuses. Start a "which phone should I get? " thread and watch how many opinions you get. Good luck
i may just get a tbunderbolt again. i do have to say it spoiled me. if i have options i shouldnt have to just come to terms. i dont need a kegmyboard. i havent even opened this one yet.