can I have seperate gmail accounts?


New Member
Jan 28, 2011
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I finally was able to add a 2nd gmail account on my Droid x.(thanks to this website). Now I had to sinc them together to receive the 2nd account.
Can I have 2 seperate icons and receive each seperate account instead of email from one going into the main gmail account?
I just use the K-9 Mail app.

You can have as many different accounts and mailboxes as you desire. While you have a unified Inbox, you don't have to use it. Each account can be viewed separately, and each account has it's own settings for sending, receiving, and other behaviors.

It's free. Give it a try.
Just go into Settings -> Accounts and then add a second gmail account. The gmail app'll have a button to select accounts then, you don't need to link them together via the gmail website.