Can I sell my used Incredible without activation problems


Aug 20, 2010
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In my case, I bought and paid for my phone, got the rebate, signed a 2 year deal etc. Now I'm ready to move on and try another phone, specifically the Droid X. So the only way I can afford it is if I sell my Incredible. Is there some reason I can't sell it? Can't I just call verizon and tell them I sold it and then someone else can use it?

I don't know the exact rules and procedures, seems like it should be very simple though.
You will have to have the other device, or an old one to use until you get the droid x. You will have to call or online do a device switch so you de-activate the incredible and activate another phone for that account (or else you would have to pay termination fee i believe) Then you can sell the phone and someone else can activate it to their account

Then you can buy the droid x and then do another device switch to that phone
As long as your account is in good standing (bills are up to date) and you have not reported the phone stolen or missing, just activate another phone to free the esn from your account and you don't even need to tell verizon.

Ok, so there's no problem for me to sell my Incredible. I have another phone to switch to, an older motorola phone my parents stopped using 3 months ago when they upgraded to a smart phone.

I thought I could switch phones using *228. So basically I have to switch phones, and make sure the DINC is listed as "deactivated", and the new buyer will have no problems activating it on their own verizon account.
Ok, so there's no problem for me to sell my Incredible. I have another phone to switch to, an older motorola phone my parents stopped using 3 months ago when they upgraded to a smart phone.

I thought I could switch phones using *228. So basically I have to switch phones, and make sure the DINC is listed as "deactivated", and the new buyer will have no problems activating it on their own verizon account.
hey guy,
be very careful if you go to a dumb phone. cause this is what will happen, in my case, droped droid in toilet at 6pm, activated razor at 8pm. next morning got new droid at 10am. all good right? get my bill and there is a charge for hundreds of dollars of data use. what you need to be aware of is in my case they charged me data from 12am to 12pm all data was on droid. so when you change to a dumb phone you loose the unlimited data plan, they picked up all my data for that day and charged me per Kb they tried to tell me i was using my razor for the internet wich i did not. it took hours on the phone until i got somone smart enough to look at when the razor was activated and there was no data after that activation. sorry for the ramble, i hope you understand, i just dont want you to spend countless hours on the phone with vzw tying to rectify charges..
Oh I get it. So you used a certain X amount of data on your droid that day. That same day you activated a dumb phone. At midnight their computer calculated x amount of data and blamed it all on the dumb phone, which had no unlimited data plan.

I can see the red tape and hours of arguing over that one. Verizon so far has shown me they have a staff pretty full of IDIOTS. Their customer service and "tech support" so far have been almost as bad as Microsoft's tech support hosted in malaysia or wherever it is.

Does VZW charge a fee for switching phones? Does cancelling the data plan temporarily, cause a termination of contract fee?

Maybe I can get a "go phone" and put my regular service on "hold", and possibly forward all calls to the "Go phone".
Ok, so there's no problem for me to sell my Incredible. I have another phone to switch to, an older motorola phone my parents stopped using 3 months ago when they upgraded to a smart phone

Can't do that....Has to be a phone that can have the $30 data plan....
The temp backup phone I had in mind is a Moto W755, looks plain as hell but has a lot of features. It has gps, internet, wifi tethering, video recording etc. Should be good enough to continue my data plan for a day or two until the DX arrives, if/when I do sell the DINC.
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from what i understand, you don't have to keep the data plan on that line. just activate another phone on it to free the DINC and eliminate the data plan. unless you have a phone that uses data of course.
good luck
Ok, I just sold the phone on ebay. I gotta remove it from my account, and erase all my info out of the phone. I just do the "Sticky" for resetting the phone right? what about properly clearing and formatting the SD card, so the new person has no problem using it?