Can no longer dial calls hands free. Help!

Could you kindly tell me which model Blueant Bluetooth headset it is? Is it Q2, Q1, T1, Endure, V1, or some other one?

FoxKat, it's an S4. It's a handsfree car unit (not a headphone).
Thanks. I'm researching for you now. Wish me luck.
Wow, that's VERY kind of you! May the cellphone gods be with you on this one...:)
Could you do me a favor? Please go to your app tray (the middle button on the bottom, or the one with two rows of three dots), then in the app tray find and select "Settings". Once in Settings, please select "Touchless Control". Now, check to make sure that "Touchless Control" has a check mark next to it, and if not, tap it. Then below is a section labeled "Commands while locked". Please select that section. In that section make sure all three options have check marks (or at least the one for "Calls"), and if not select by tapping as needed.

Please report back with your findings.
Thanks, FoxKat. I had previously checked all of the settings to which you refer, and they are all as you noted they should be. This truly is a mystery...
OK, just making sure. Still looking for a solution but it never hurts to go back to square one. Especially since the app changed from Touchless Control to Moto on March 8 and that seems to coincide with when your headset started failing.;)
Yes. I'm looking into any fundamental changes to the app that may have "broken" the connection with your headset.
OK, just making sure. Still looking for a solution but it never hurts to go back to square one. Especially since the app changed from Touchless Control to Moto on March 8 and that seems to coincide with when your headset started failing.;)
Thanks for the info FoxKat. I was not aware that the app changed for all phones, I thought it only changed to Moto (all features incorporated into one app) for the newer Droids.

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Well, I finally got through to Motorola technical assistance. They tried to help, but they couldn't figure it out either. So, with my sincere thanks to sajokaz and FoxKat for really giving it the old college try, I just ordered a Nexus 6P. Frankly, I've soured on Motorola, given their initial promise to upgrade the Maxx to Lollipop, then later abandoning the phone. With the Nexus, at least I'll know that the os will be upgraded as those are released. And even though I'll be leaving this forum, I'll still be at Droid Forums with the Nexus (Nexus 6P by Huawei). So I've got that going for me! Thanks again.
Sorry I couldn't devote more time to obtain helpful information and a possible solution. I've been terribly distracted with personal issues. I hope the Nexus lives up to your every expectation. Maybe we'll find an answer for others.

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Thanks, FoxKat! I really appreciated your help, and I'll continue to visit this thread to see if the problem with hands free dialing is ever solved. :)