Can someone help me understand safe strap please?


Jan 8, 2011
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So from reading, it sounds like safe strap is pretty much a dual OS kinda deal and there are 2 ROMs on the phone, the factory/OEM rom and the ROM of your choice. Is that how it is? Also, do I need safestrap if I have the ICS fast boot files? If something goes wrong, I can just fast boot back to the ICS oem image right?
Yup. It just dual boots your phone. Super easy install. Super easy to figure out. The best part about it is as long as you don't run out of battery its pretty much impossible to brick you phone. Which you can do if your flashing roms without it.

Sent from my DROID4 using Eclipse 1.2.5c
OK. Thanks. It sounds like its more insurance than a nessicity since I can just SBF back to OEM. Ill be getting the d4 in the next day or two and will would like to put an ICS AOSP rom on it. I dont want or need all that crap VZW and motorola throw on there.
Safestrap is probably most useful to those who feel they have to flash on the road, etc but like Dave said if you recover to non safe side you don't lose data. (Of course with an up to date nandroid you'd be mostly okay with regular bs recovery.)

If you're flipping back to unsafe because of a bad flash you're kinda going back in time anyway.

-Bionic 6.7.247 via HoB