Can someone ID this theme/launcher/mod ?


New Member
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Bloomfield, CT
I was wondering if someone could identify this theme, launcher or whatever it is he is using and point me in the right direction to get it. You can skip to the 1:09 minute mark if you do not want to watch the whole video. Here is the vid:


Thanks for the help.
curious to whoever tried it... have any luck with getting this set up? I'm having issues with the wallpaper/uccw part
Mooselodge24 said:
curious to whoever tried it... have any luck with getting this set up? I'm having issues with the wallpaper/uccw part

What specifically are you having trouble with? I mean I could take guesses, but they would be just that.

I have seen multiple people with that setup, I assume they followed that guide.
What specifically are you having trouble with? I mean I could take guesses, but they would be just that.

I have seen multiple people with that setup, I assume they followed that guide.

I followed the guide but I can't get the uccw to be at 7x2 and how did you get all the files from the file to open up on phone? Like to where you can set up the wallpapers and such? I am a noob i know :eek:
I followed the guide but I can't get the uccw to be at 7x2 and how did you get all the files from the file to open up on phone? Like to where you can set up the wallpapers and such? I am a noob i know :eek:

To get the UCCW to be 7x2, you have to make sure you have resize all widgets enabled in your settings for your launcher (under behavior in step 1). Also, verify that your screen is setup to be a 7x7 grid in Nova launcher (also in step 1).

You have two options with the You can do it with your phone and a file explorer to handle the unzipping and maneuvering of the files on your sdcard. <-- something like that should work. Or you can plug your phone into your PC and accomplish this as well.

Inside the .zip, there are files each kinda need to go different places. Inside a few of the folders, there is a readme.txt file that tells you where to put the files if they need to go somewhere wacky. UCCW, SwitchPro, WidgetLocker, Nova Launcher.....and perhaps some others have this readme. If not, you should be able to put them anywhere. Wallpapers can be anywhere on your sdcard, as long as the folder doesn't have a .nomedia file present. I like to keep my sdcard semi-tidy so I put them in a folder called Wallz, but it doesn't matter what you name it. Whatever shows up in your gallery, is able to be applied as a wallpaper. Also, the .psd files aren't necessary to put on your phone. They are included so someone can make alterations if they want to.
Definitely can't get the wallpaper and crap set up. Meaning I can't get the wallpaper to fit as it shows in the picture. i mean i can read and am going through the steps. moved all files over.. still being a turd. I guess it's the life of a noob tryin to be smart :rolleyes:

It's almost like a screen setting isn't right. the wallpaper is bigger on phone than in picture. also the UCCW widget only goes up to 5x2 and not 7...
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ok got the weather widget to spread across now like in the guide. can't get the city to update. only says New Britain, CT still. even after I typed in my city. need to be typed certain way? and this wallpaper doesn't fit as on the guide. setting issue?
What are you using to set the wallpaper? Gallery? If yes to gallery, you need to stretch the rectangle until the full picture fits inside the middle rectangle, like so : View attachment 52351

Perhaps something like <-- would make wallpaper cropping easier for you.

About the location, I am lame and haven't gotten around to trying UCCW much yet (I just haven't had the amount of time I want to really play with it like I know I want to). I will try and take a shot at it later tonight, and see how to change the location.
I'll tinker wit wallpaper a lil and see... like I said I'm new to it so I just need to experiment. Yea I changed the city but still shows wrong name... idk, I just need to do some research.

I will say I appreciate the replies
Hmmm... im curious about this... do I need to be on a certain ROM? And it seem, judging by some of the comments on here is a bit tough to set up.... I'm only a beginner at all this techy stuff. Am I getting over my head by using this theme? It IS pretty damn sweet looking!
Hmmm... im curious about this... do I need to be on a certain ROM? And it seem, judging by some of the comments on here is a bit tough to set up.... I'm only a beginner at all this techy stuff. Am I getting over my head by using this theme? It IS pretty damn sweet looking!

Nope it should work on any setup, as long as you have the required stuff it mentions (which all should work regardless of ROM).

It is a bit advanced of a setup. If you can follow directions though it shouldn't be that bad. It is pretty well documented on how it works. If you like the setup and have some spare time, perhaps give it a try. Worst that is going to happen is that you lose some time attempting setting it up.
Thanks for the encouragement ( again! You always seem helpful) I give it some play time this weekend! :)