Can You Bring Game Data From Stock ROM to Liberty?

Can you detail what you did exactly?

I am trying to recover some lost Angry Birds data myself and some details of what you exactly did that worked would be excellent. I switched ROMS and made a backup of my original ROM. I open the datadata.img up using unyaffs. And found my old com.rovio folder. I copied the /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirds/files/highscores.lua over the new one on my phone using File Expert but it doesn't look like it is actually copying it. I also tried erasing the new /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirds/files/highscores.lua and then copying the new one in but that didn't seem to work either. Any suggestions?
I am trying to recover some lost Angry Birds data myself and some details of what you exactly did that worked would be excellent. I switched ROMS and made a backup of my original ROM. I open the datadata.img up using unyaffs. And found my old com.rovio folder. I copied the /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirds/files/highscores.lua over the new one on my phone using File Expert but it doesn't look like it is actually copying it. I also tried erasing the new /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirds/files/highscores.lua and then copying the new one in but that didn't seem to work either. Any suggestions?

I've never used File Expert, but many file managers don't allow you to write to the /data folder. Try Root Explorer, which does.
Thank you, I tried it using ES File Explorer (enabling the root setting) because I already had it installed and it worked. File Expert acted like it was working but it clearly was not. All of my hard work has been restored now!
Ok, now my progress has been restored but when finish the last level I had previously completed and move onto a brand new level Angry Birds crashes... Any ideas?
I figured it out... your right I should have used Root Explorer, the file permissions were wrong, I changed them with Root Explorer and all was well. Thanks!