Cannot Receive text Messages

OMG my phone is going nuts. It booted up and damned if if isnt downloading 40 messages (ok 41). It appears to be working. I am so happy about this. I will continue to check it out but for now I am getting texts. I appreciate your help so much on this. I will keep you informed. YOU ARE THE MAN
For the record - I think when I flashed the xtrSense it did a more complete wipe or something. The reason I believe this is that with all the other ROMS I flashed they never asked for my wireless password again; this one did. There must have been SOMETHING which this flash cleared that allowed the texts to come in. Thanks again for all the help.
It's working great. The only thing I miss is the voice texting. I assume this is not part of the build. Any apps or tweaks to make up for the loss?
download handcent. then hit menu and there you go, voice option. i don't personally use this option because my thick southern drawl seems to get in the way.
I must have been very very tired - don't know how i missed the huge setting in handcent saying speech. Ugh - thanks you.
you are so very welcome. isn't this forum just the best thing since sliced bread!