Can't figure out how to video chat with Galaxy Tab 10.1


Nov 20, 2009
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My friend bought his girlfriend a GT today (she's going to be out of the country visiting family). Since I'm such a geek--and have had Android phones since they first came to Verizon--he figured I could help setting it up. I have an iPad as my tablet so I welcomed the opportunity to play with the GT anyway.

So I've been installing various software and going through the setup, etc., and I'm trying to set up video chat for them. It's a major PITA to even figure out how to do it but I can't seem to get it to work.

I'm using Chrome as the browser on my Mac but, when I finally figured out how to invite someone to a video chat from the GT, I go to my Mac and answer the request for video chat and I get no video. Not a black box, not a white box, just nothing above the chat portion of the box which comes up (where you can type messages). Can't figure that out so I figured I'd try and create a hangout from my Mac and invite her account. When I do, she gets the notification I've invited her but, when I go to accept the invitation I keep getting a message telling me I'm already in a hangout (and I'm not).

Ugh! This is frustrating.

Anyone got any ideas?

Your using a mac that's your problem.

The only way I can video chat with my friends and family on apple products is to use Skype.

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Your using a mac that's your problem.

The only way I can video chat with my friends and family on apple products is to use Skype.

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Having a Mac has nothing to do with it--I've been chatting with people on my Mac via Google Talk for a couple of years here. It's how they're doing it through Android on the Galaxy Tab.
Hmm never had any problems video chatting to macs (or any device for that matter) from my bionic.... easy, too, open talk, tap the contact, tap the cam, boom instant video chatting. I'd suggest trying it from a different computer first, though. Also if the tab is on 3g it will have a harder time making the connection than if it's on wifi or 4g.

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Or heck just try it from your phone to your computer and see if that has any problems. Also I'm not understanding why you had so much difficulty figuring out how to use the talk app and send a video chat request... isn't it the same on your phone as it is on the tab?

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Having a Mac has nothing to do with it--I've been chatting with people on my Mac via Google Talk for a couple of years here. It's how they're doing it through Android on the Galaxy Tab.

I guess I should have stated " speaking from my experience" I've never been able to get it to work with an apple product. But with skype it hooked right up.

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Don't use a Mac, but often video chat, using gTalk or skype with no problems.

Sent from my GT-P7510