Can't install APK files


New Member
Aug 24, 2010
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So I recently rooted and installed sapphire and things seem to be going swimmingly. However, I'm now trying to install some APKs from the internet (not the market) and I'm running into a recurring problem.

Here's my steps:
1. download apk from net
2. transfer apk to root of SD card
3. open astro, find apk, click it and then open app manager
4. when app manager opens, it only gives me the option to uninstall or launch.....but I haven't installed the apk yet.
5. clicking uninstall just gets me to "uninstall unsuccessful", and clicking launch gives me a message about not finding the right file or something.

I've checked and the box to allow non-market apps is checked so that's OK. The only thing I can think of is maybe there's already a "stock" app on my phone that's named the same thing as the apk I'm trying to install. Or maybe the apk isn't compatible with Froyo or Sapphire.

I've tried installing:
Droid X keyboard (repackaged-signed.apk)
Desk Clock app from (DeskClock.apk)

I've installed non-market apk files just fine when I wasn't rooted, so I understand the basics of how to do it, but I'm really stuck right now. Any help is appreciated.
You need to copy them manually to /system/app most likely. Not all apk's are made to be installed with the installer.
You need to copy them manually to /system/app most likely. Not all apk's are made to be installed with the installer.

Is there a secret to doing this, as Astro doesn't seem to want to let me do it?

After looking at this directory, I think it's likely due to the fact that there are apks in there with the exact same name, and it doesn't want to let me overwrite them. I'm guessing I'm going to have to go the more manual route and use that terminal software or something. I've not messed with that yet.
Root explorer can be your bestest buddy in the whole world.
Root Explorer is worth the money, it's a file manager that lets you work in all of the filesystems on the phone.