Can't text after updating my phone.


New Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Well I actually updated my software a few days ago but I'm starting to have problems now. Whenever I bring up texts, I try to reply to someone and after typing a word the whole thing freezes. Only 1 or 2 words I type come up and the suggested words at the bottom pop up so slow and seem to be slowing everything down. After a few words no matter how much I type everything just stops coming up...I can't type anything. I've tried turning off/turning on my phone, deleting some conversations, and trying to clear the texting cache in options. Nothing has seemed to work. What should I do?
Try this. From the home screen: Menu>Settings>Manage Applications>All>Multitouch Keyboard>Clear data.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tappatalk

My Droid 2 updated the other day and all the sudden today when I go to reply to a text message I can't! I will be able to type one word then it freezes and forces me out of text messaging!! I've tried deleting all messages, turning off and back on, taking battery out and nothing is working! I can't use the touchscreen keyboard either. PLEASE HELP!??!?!
I tried doing the "clear cache" thing, but it wont let me even have that option.
Im having the same issue. It started happening a couple days after the update happened. Its very frustrating that this is happening. It seems that it freezes when ever I hit the space bar. Im able to text more words if I use the touch screen keyboard but i still have to fight with it each time I hit the space bar.

I tried clearing the cache but there is no cache to clear. It says 0.00B. Should I clear the data?....
Im having the same issue. It started happening a couple days after the update happened. Its very frustrating that this is happening. It seems that it freezes when ever I hit the space bar. Im able to text more words if I use the touch screen keyboard but i still have to fight with it each time I hit the space bar.

I tried clearing the cache but there is no cache to clear. It says 0.00B. Should I clear the data?....

So I just got brave and cleared the "data" also....and Im back in business. My text messages seem to be working just fine now! These little Droid gadgets are so tempramental. geezzz...
worked for me!

clearing the data put me back in business! thanks to all!
I tried going to settings and clearing data on the multi-touch keyboard.. but it says "All of this application's data will be deleted permanently. This includes all files, setting, accounts, databases and so on.".. if i hit ok is it going to delete everything in my phone?? Its getting annoying that i can't text and even when I'm facebook on my phone it freezes. It works better if the charger is plugged in but still acts funny.
Okay..... Like how do i clear the date on the multi tap keyboard.... please help me im about to go crazy! i've been using the swype keyboard for about a week and i can't stand it nooo long!!
Menu>Settings>Manage Applications>Multitouch Keyboard>Clear data
Your signature says you're using a Droid X2. This is the Droid 2 forum. You'll probably find better help in the Droid X2 forum.