Can't write to or delete from internal storage


Feb 26, 2010
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Galaxy S6 Edge
When I delete or add files to the internal sd card (/sdcard as opposed to /sd-ext) and reboot the phone, the files are exactly as they were. It's like the phone even thinks it is deleting and writing to it, but it apparently isn't. I am Running ICS on TWRP with Safestrap 3.05, rom slot 1 Droid HD. I was having several issues with the phone when I decided to overclock and install setcpu, not sure if this is the cause. Because of this I am unable to delete the rom slot or create new ones. I went through several iterations and realized nothing works because I can't write to the internal storage. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
still completely dumbfounded by this. The phone will not allow any new apps to be installed. I assume because it can't write to the internal memory. I can plug the phone to my computer in USB Storage mode and I can delete and add files to the internal drive. BUT, as soon as I reboot it the files are just as they were before. Any calls and texts I receive are also missing once rebooted. While it's on the phone functions normally except for the fact that I can install anything and my email apps--Google and Exchange--constantly show an error.
Have you tried wiping everything in recovery?? A FDR on stock??
Uninstalling setcpu??

Sent from Democles Base.
Yes to all of that. Even tried wiping from stock recovery. No dice. i can delete the entire rom slot in safestrap, but as soon i reboot the deleted rom slot comes back. It's bazaar.
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maybe this means something... the clock (actual time) in the recovery screen is two hours ahead of the actual time on my phone and the battery stat always shows more battery power left than what the phone ui is showing me. right now, for example, it is 2:20 pm PST and the battery was showing 45%. in the recovery screen the time is 4:20 pm and the battery is showing 72%. This is consistent every time i boot into recovery. does this mean anything? i just want to be able to complete wipe this phone and start over at this point.
Breakthrough! Sort of. When I go to wipe the Internal Storage from twrp recovery, the following message appears:

Using rm -rf on '/dev/block/mmcblk1p25'
E:tw_format_rmfr: unable to locate volume for device "

The last quotation " is not a typo, that's the last character visible on the line. Any dev's out there know what this means? Is there an ADB commance I can use to reformat the internal drive?