

Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
I am seriously thinking about getting this tablet. I read a lot of reviews neg and pos. The neg ones seem to be from people who dont want to learn it. Thats why they prefer the ipad. When I got my motorolla droid it took me a while to learn everything that I can do with it and I am still learning new things. This forum is great for that. The ipad it ready out of the box, but I think you can do so much more with this tablet.

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Sorry I got way off track from my original question. I dont normaly get wifi at the docks I work at. See I work on a boat. I have a laptop with the verizon air card, but it is not unlimited data. I do get 3g at the dock and possibly 4g. I like using netflix and hulu, but from what I understand the table is not ready to work with thoes sites. How does verizon charge for data on this tablet? Is it an unlimited data plan? Or would I have to tether my droid to it? I have heard if verizon catches it they will charge you. Would I be better off getting a Galaxy? Sorry this is a lot for just one post but I am lost.

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Well, seeing that its Android that doesn't play well yet with netflix or hulu, I don't know that the galaxy tab would do any better. I had a tab before I got my xoom and it just seemed like a bigger version of my phone. Unless your talking about the newest version of the tab, with which I have no experience.

My 3g plan with the xoom is $30/month for 3Gb. I recently went down though because I am connected to my home or work WiFi most often. Hope that answers some of your questions...

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