Cheat Sheet: How To Decode ProGuard’s Obfuscated Code From Stack Trace


New Member
Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
Recently, I wrote a blog post for Android devs that use ProGuard. If you ever needed to debug obfuscated stack traces, then this cheat sheet is for you. By the end of this, you will have a more human-readable stacktrace. I'm bringing it up because I have to keep referring to it every time in order to remember the right command line syntax. And, I spent quite a bit of time looking up how to do this so that hopefully others won't have to waste as much time as me.

There are two ways of de-obfuscating the stack trace -- command line and GUI (Graphical User Interface):

1) Open <android-sdk>/tools/proguard/bin/proguardgui.bat
2) Select the “ReTrace” option on the left column.
3) Add your mapping file and obfuscated stack trace.
4) Click “ReTrace!”

1) You will need your ProGuard’s mapping.txt file and the stack trace (Ex: stacktrace.txt) that you want to de-obfuscate.
2) The easiest way to do the next step is copy both these files into your <android_sdk_root>/tools/proguard/bin.
3) If you are on Windows, run the following command in the same directory as the files (make sure you change to your own file names):

retrace.bat -verbose mapping.txt stacktrace.txt > out.txt

4) out.txt will have the stack trace de-obfuscated. Now you can debug much easier and faster than before. ;)

Source (includes pictures): Simply Advanced | Android: How To Decode ProGuard?s Obfuscated Code From Stack Trace

Let me know if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions for this small cheat sheet.
- Danial Goodwin -
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