Choice of next theme...

I love watermark'd so I was really excited when I saw you were planning to do a new theme. I have been browsing through iphone themes for a little inspiration since there are lots of people who have worked on it.

One idea I like is the cube theme. You already have a couple of cubish icons like youtube and facebook. A whole set of cube icons and some 3D cubish widgets might look pretty cool and could go well with a shelves style background. I think it would be cool to have a 3D kind of theme like this. The iphone cube theme appears to have very sharp cubes with the images sort of wrapped over the surface. You could go with this style or do something different like having transparent cubes that contain the icon similar to the one shown in the attached image (which I got from

The iphone Alienware Xenomorph Theme has a really cool look to it. It gives me an idea for a cool dark high tech style theme. Maybe you could add in some cool blue electricity effects or something throughout the theme. The ipod and app store icons he uses are in line with what I am thinking, something like the shazam icon could be used for the launcher. I think this would be a really popular and cool looking theme and is my favorite of the ones I suggest here.

Also I like the iphone glasklart theme (it can be seen on I like the semitransparent icon bgs. I personally would prefer it with color but the white does give a nice clean look. It is nice but might be too similar to stuff like incognito to be worthwhile.

I like how the images pop out of the frames on this black frame theme:
Iphone Frame Black

Another thing that would be nice other than a whole new theme would be a watermark'd icon pack. I really like the icons you made and if I could get an ADW or bettercut icon pack to theme more of my icons that would be cool. Also you could sell it for a buck or two on the market and it would provide an easy way for people to send a little cash your way as thanks for your awesome themes. Keep up the good work!


  • zoomed-installerapp.jpg
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  • Alienware_Xenomorph_iPhone_Themes.jpg
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I love where you are going with this Stewart! And I REALLY love Corinas idea of a darkedge type them, darkedge is beautiful but not user friendly in my opinion to get working....but whatever you do Stewart know I am in awe and wish I had the time and patience to make suck kick ass themes as yours :)
Minimalist Steampunk o_O

What about that Steampunk theme with some lighter colors to it?

Everyone is on the minimalist band wagon (including myself!) with the text icons and text widgets. It looks great, we;ve all seen the screenshots.

And there are already blues, greens, blacks, pinks, reds etc. for color choices and most of those are flashy/glassy look to them.

What about a more muted/softer tones using tans, browns and perhaps that same icon look as you did with the green overlays to it.

You still get that minimlaist feel/look with a completely different color option not done anywhere before.

I have that Nexusmod LWP that was created as well a while back with the tan Androidman wallpaper using whites and tans for colors too that you could throw in.

Just throwin it out.
How about a Denver Bronco notification pulldown? I think it would look cool. Thanks for the consideration and an awesome theme!
I like your choices in the beginning, kind of cartoonish/ animated look so why not an anime type theme. Dragonball Z or maybe something older like thundercats, with some more of your slick icons from watermark'd theme. you might find some good icons in KDE desktop environment if you're familiar with linux.

Just an idea but looking forward to see what you come up with.

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4 ideas for theme's- vague notions more than anything

First would have to be Matrix, (complete uber Matrix geek). Seems to me that there might be enough imagery there to draw on.

Second would be something along the lines of the "rainy day" windows xp color theme, perhaps to go along with a xp theme.

3rd would be a "Frank Miller" theme- he has a vast body of work that you could almost pull from anything he had done, as his style is unmistakable and present throughout everything he does. He also did Wolverine (the best, IMO).

4th would be a "Watchmen" theme.

My only request if you do any of these, is that you do a bbv.05 version of them. I'm very new to droid (got it two weeks ago) and even newer to rooting (aprox. 1 week 5 days ago). Since that point, I have gone through probably 5 roms and a bunch of themes and my productivity at work has come to a halt. I've really enjoyed your theme's and it's about the only thing I'm "missing" at this point. Thanks again for sharing all your hard work with the rest of us.
Can you do your popular Watermark'd for D1 on UD 3.1.1

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