Christmas theme for UD2.1?


Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
dansville michigan
Ok I am wondering who will be making a holiday theme for the UD 2.1?
could one of you droid gurus take this on for the holidays and make a nice joyful christmas theme for UD.


Bunsen, fixing the white on white and the default wallpaper takes less than 2 minutes to do. You just open archive it with 7zip and goto system/framework.framework-res.apk and double click it... then go to res/drawable-hdpi. inside that folder stick in a different default_wallpaper.jpg and menu_item_fillparent.9.png (thats close to the name of it).
sweet thanks guys. ill try it out and i hope i dont run into that problem as for the fix there XKAPE thats a lil; advanced for me. ive tried my dambest to get adb to work and i cant get it to run. but it sounds like i only need 7zip from what you posted above?
but im gonna try it out first.

thanks guys

sweet thanks guys. ill try it out and i hope i dont run into that problem as for the fix there XKAPE thats a lil; advanced for me. ive tried my dambest to get adb to work and i cant get it to run. but it sounds like i only need 7zip from what you posted above?
but im gonna try it out first.

thanks guys


As Yank posted, it's now fixed but NO, to just move some images around, all you need is 7zip. Just don't extract it so there are less steps. Just "open archive" it.
Bunsen, fixing the white on white and the default wallpaper takes less than 2 minutes to do. You just open archive it with 7zip and goto system/framework.framework-res.apk and double click it... then go to res/drawable-hdpi. inside that folder stick in a different default_wallpaper.jpg and menu_item_fillparent.9.png (thats close to the name of it).

I know they are easy to fix, since i can handle it myself.:)
I wasn't complaining, just wondering why more themers don't do the easy stuff too. Especially if it is for a theme competition, like the X-Mas themes.
I wasn't saying you were complaining, I wasn't sure if you knew how and I was trying to say it in an encouraging "you can do it" kind of
I wasn't saying you were complaining, I wasn't sure if you knew how and I was trying to say it in an encouraging "you can do it" kind of

I am usually paranoid about sounding like I am complaining about the work people do here for free. I know it takes a lot of work.
+1 for a stock compilable ROM