Clean Install

Closest thing so far would be the rom over at XDA here: [ROM] Droid 4 Stock Pre-Rooted ROM - xda-developers

I asked for clarification on whether this would work with CWM recovery and all I got was a "in theory" yes. That being said, it's still pretty risky. You can try your luck or wait a little longer. I'll see how hard it is to get the stock safe-strap rom converted for CWM.
I will try it and see how it turns out. If i mess the phone up more oh well. Thank you :)

Sent from my DROID4 using DroidForums
Okay, please be very careful! This could result in a brick! If you do decide to go through with it:

1) let me know the results and
2) don't hate me personally

Sent from my DROID4 using Carrier Pigeons
Have you gotten it figured out yet shadowking?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
It worked. Just that its buggy and lagging so i switched it to the stock rom using safestrap . And by buggy i mean the data just drops and the lag was just nasty. But it actually worked.

Sent from my DROID4 using DroidForums
Really? Wow, thanks for trying that out and letting us know, it's risk-taking like that that moves the community along. I'm just glad you didn't brick your phone.

Also: did you wipe your data and cache? Safestrap completely removed? In your non-safe system? Trying to determine if the lagging is an easy fix.

Sent from my DROID4 using Carrier Pigeons
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