Connecting Incredible to PC


New Member
May 3, 2010
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I've tried this on two seperate PCs, only to have the same problem (both on Windows XP and on Windows 7).

I connect the Droid to the PC, but regardless which option i select on the droid ("HTC Sync" or "Disk drive"), i have two "Removable Disks" show up under My Computer.

Double clicking either of them yields the error: "Please insert a disk into removable disk (H: (or whatever the drive letter)).

What gives? What am i doing wrong? I don't have a SD card in the droid, because every one i tried it said it couldn't access, so i'm just trying to transfer pictures from the internal storage onto my computer...
they show up no matter what option, but you can't access them unless u select disk drive. Verizon gave me a 2 GB SD card because they said this phone needs it for contacts and the apps. Maybe that has something to do with your issue?
When you plug your phone in, you should see a little usb-icon in the notification area.

Open the notifcation area up, and click the option under "Ongoing" that says Charge only. Select the Disk Drive option and you'll be good to go. As mike said, the options on your computer show up regardless of whether the phone is in "Charge only" mode or not, but only work if its in "Disk Drive" mode.
simshaun, did you see that i said
but regardless which option i select on the droid ("HTC Sync" or "Disk drive")

Regardless, i appreciate the attempt to help me work out my problem.

RESOLUTION: This problem was resolved by installing a SD card. Apparently without the SD card you can't connect to either of the two removable storage drives (not even the integrated phone storage)

Use you micro sd card converter and put it in your computer (slot you use to put photos on computer). Gets formatted, then take it out and put it in your phone.
Apparently without the SD card you can't connect to either of the two removable storage drives (not even the integrated phone storage)

This is incorrect.

I have an incredible without a sd card, and simshaun's instructions work. At the top of the screen, you drag the notifications into view, and there will be an item there for your usb connection that says one of these possibilities:

  • Charge Only
  • HTC Sync
  • Disk Drive
  • Mobile Broadband Connect
You want to select "Disk Drive" like simshaun said. From the experience of me and my coworker's incredible, it is usually the second drive that appears that will allow you to access the integrated storage of the phone.

Thank you for your help, simshaun.
Apparently without the SD card you can't connect to either of the two removable storage drives (not even the integrated phone storage)

This is incorrect.

I have an incredible without a sd card, and simshaun's instructions work. At the top of the screen, you drag the notifications into view, and there will be an item there for your usb connection that says one of these possibilities:

  • Charge Only
  • HTC Sync
  • Disk Drive
  • Mobile Broadband Connect
You want to select "Disk Drive" like simshaun said. From the experience of me and my coworker's incredible, it is usually the second drive that appears that will allow you to access the integrated storage of the phone.

Thank you for your help, simshaun.

Yes i appreciate that wisdom - i'm not new to computers, or to connecting smartphones to PCs. You'll also notice that this is the third time i've had to say
but regardless which option i select on the droid ("HTC Sync" or "Disk drive"),
... as in, i do know howh to select 'disk drive'.

THAT SAID - on three different Incredibles i've tried, unless they had a SD card, you can't view the drives on the computer. maybe you had some magical luck doing it, and good for you, but i'm sure this thread will serve as a good reference for others having the same issue, so i'll say it again: if you're having trouble accessing your droid's "drive(s)" on the computer, make sure there is a SD card in the droid.
I got a boo boo on my computer cuz I clicked mobile broadband connect on my windows xp without the disc installed. Is there any possible way I could undo the setting change and get my regular connection back?
So absolutely no one else has had this happened? My phone is my only source of internet. Aside from the streaming broadband wasting away in the sea of network changes that this phone automatically did to my phone. Some help you guys are
Some help you guys are

That's sure to get someone to help you...

This appears to be a question about Windows XP, not the Droid Incredible. I think you would be better off asking Windows XP network settings questions on a forum geared toward supporting Windows XP. There are plenty out there, but I don't have one to recommend.

Sorry. Some help I am...
Yeah. Problem is the Droid I connected to my windows XP and it messed up my computer. Which was working perfectly fine, you are wrong and not helping whatsoever. I need someone who can tell me what registeries were changed, how auto attain dns and ip are not picking up anything. I've tried entering them in manually and still nothing. I can access the router through my computer
you are wrong and not helping whatsoever.

Actually, I'm not wrong. I'm Porati! Good luck! dancedroid

Hypothetical, I'm on windows xp forum tech support. Hey guys, I got an unresponsive broadband feed that works correctly until it gets to my computer. Not only have I defaulted all network connections, assigned ips and dns's still nothing. Even ip config and release renew. This all happened after a mobile network device was hooked up through a usb.

Answer 1: uhh what mobile network device was it?

Response: HTC incredible.

Answer 2: you should go to the Droid tech support forums to find someone who knows what settings and operations are changed from the device so you can know how to restore your original configuration.

Porati: I would like to announce that I am a massive troll who goes through tech support posts so I can give people awful advise. If only I could serve some purpose in life.
Yeah, I'm totally a troll... with my massive 4 posts. And I wouldn't have known about your post had you not posted on a thread I posted on before you. But, like I said before... I don't think this approach is going to get you any help. No one owes you help or anything, so insulting volunteers wont help you. And showing your rear certainly isn't going to make anyone else want to help you. Best of luck, mate.