Corporate Sync passcode/PIN bug


Aug 12, 2010
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Posted this originally over at the official Motorola forum.

The Corporate Sync app used for Exchange mail has a bug, where even if your IT department does NOT explicitly require a PIN/password, the phone will still make you enter one and not allow you to clear it. Also, if your IT department does require a PIN, but less than 4 digits are required, the Corp Sync app will still force you to use at least 4 digits.

It's VERY annoying if you are used to having a phone without a PIN and suddenly it forces a PIN upon you. :icon_evil:

This doesn't happen with the Droid X against the exact same Exchange server with the same ActiveSync policy. The server is Exchange 2007 SP2. (v8.2. build 176.2)
Heh, I just registered to make a new post asking about this, by the time I register, you post this :). I have my own little Exchange box working in conjunction with our POP3 server at work, 2007 no service packs.

My Touch Pro 2 and another user here with a Drioid 1 have always been find, fired up the shiny new D2 and wtf pin?!! Been messing with EAS policies all day trying to get it to work. Hopefully the get a fix soon.
Yeah it's really damn annoying, because it's an obvious bug. It's basically just ignoring the "Password Required" flag and always requiring one if you hook it to Exchange. As I mentioned, it also makes you use 4 digits even if you have a policy in place requesting only ONE. Stupid bug.
And I am guessing there is no way to bypass using Moto's sync without having the phone rooted? (Which obviously does not yet exist for the D2.)
Well, you could still use Touchdown. I already have a license for it so I may go back to that until they fix the bug, but I prefer using the built-in apps when possible. Or IMAP if your Exchange server supports that.

You really should patch that thing up if it's still running no service pack. Pretty insecure, and they've added features in the later SPs.
Yeah I know the risks....if it was a serious production box it would be. But it's just a technet test box, all the other 200ish users run off our main Postfix server. I've been meaning to try out 2010 on a VM but haven't had the time.
Yes, my droid2 is doing the same thing with the passcode. This Moto 2.2 corp synch is turning out to be horrible. The contacts don't synch correctly at all ( see other thread about this issue).

A few times tonight, when the phone has been in standy for a while, I've had to type this pin number to get into the phone. That is very annoying!!!
I got too pissed at Corp Sync and just removed the account, went back to Touchdown. It's ugly as sin and doesn't integrate as well with the phone's systems (The contacts are a hack, and the calendar doesn't sync at all with the internal version) but it's better than missing half of my contacts. :rolleyes:
I got too pissed at Corp Sync and just removed the account, went back to Touchdown. It's ugly as sin and doesn't integrate as well with the phone's systems (The contacts are a hack, and the calendar doesn't sync at all with the internal version) but it's better than missing half of my contacts. :rolleyes:

Yeah, luckily the contacts isnt a deal breaker for me. I just turned off the contacts from syncing for now. I am hoping they will fix this soon however.

I went from an LG messaging phone with an Itouch, to this, and well, to be honest, I don't see how synching with Exchange is so hard for Moto to get right...

Right now, I am not feeling the Droid2 at all.....
Newbie alert. Frankly, I'm glad to hear this is a bug. I spent several hours messing with EAS settings (over and over and over) and removing and re-adding the corporate sync account from the Droid 2. I guess now I just have to wait for the fix...and keep putting in the pin.

I miss my Treo 755p with SnapperMail.
does anyone know what it means when it says host name unknown I can't get past the first screen with domain\username - password - email - server. Any thoughts?
Oh the fun. Well...I can confirm that the wipe function works perfect after five incorrect tries. Crap.
Do we have any updates on this issue? Mine is still forcing the passcode and im getting sick of it.
Do we have any updates on this bug yet, or are people still having issues? i dont know how much longer i can take this bug
Still a problem, and the Froyo update for the Droid X has also given them this wonderful bug as well (great job, Motorola :rolleyes:).

One of the official Moto people in their own forums says that the fix for this is "in the next release" but he has no timeframe for when that will come out. :(