Could a Razr Reboot sell?


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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We saw Motorola reboot the Razr once and it was successful but it was closer to a Droid X than a Razr. For the past few years Samsung has managed to sell android flip phones overseas. And though I think it may be too late to bring it here I wonder if Motorola could benefit from that technology in the form of the Razr?

With people begging for larger screens it may not be a device to compete in sales with the iPhone or Samsung. But if Motorola pitches it right with an exclusive limited supply, they could test the market while celebrating one of their most popular phones.

Source: Moto US on Twitter
I think there are plenty of people who would love go go to a flip phone of the variety shown in the image above by Samsung, or one similarly made by Motorola. A rebirth of the RAZR is well within the realm of viable and profitable as long as its screen is high resolution, it's touch screen, and fully equipped to use the overwhelming majority of Android apps.

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I think that it would give designers and opportunity to do something cool with the screens And the lay out of the device. I'm sure there's gotta be some for of market for it .
I had a RAZR. I'd buy one again.

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OK, I guess I get to be the only one that says, "what the heck are they thinking?" and I don't see a market for this or see it selling very well. I could be wrong, happens a lot according to some people :). Don't get me wrong, I owned a Razr, it was the last non-smart phone I owned before buying a Droid in late 2010. The Moto Razr was probably my favorite flip phone ever and my father in law is still using it to this day. 7+ years old and on battery number 3 but still going strong. I think that smart phone owners want traditional smart phone styles with a larger screen, larger battery, non-folding, etc. I also think that the flip phone crowd (like my father-in-law) are not going to jump on this just because it looks like a "non smart phone flip phone". The crowd that just doesn't want smart phones at all are going to stick with whatever flip phone / slider phone they can find. Modern smart phone owners are going to think it's too small for daily use. I can see some phone enthusiasts buying this as a once in a while device to carry around and show off; but is that group large enough to sell enough to make this worth while? If they do decide to make it, I wish them well and hope it's a success but I just don't see it selling well in North America.
I agree w/Sajo. loved my og Razr, but one of the main reasons it was my favorite device of all time back in the day, was because it was small and it easily fit into any pocket. Along with the excellent build & call quality. It was also the one & only time I ever used a belt style clip/case....again due to its small footprint.
Simply having the Razr name will not provide for higher than average (or even decent) sales figures. Ask BlackBerry, they'll tell ya! lol
Point is, what made the Razr so desirable back in the day, has been lost with this new & improved "reboot", and if the picture above is any indication of how it will look, all the specs in the world won't make a bit of difference.
Of course that's just my 2 cents.
I'm still kicking myself for selling my Razr on Ebay.
I most certainly wouldn't swap my Note 4 for a flip phone, but I WOULD buy one. Probably out of nostalgia ... I loved their size and the sound when you clicked them shot - but I love my BIG screen even more! But YES I could definitely see them being hot again ... Not as daily drivers, but as a 'cuddle thing' - if you know what I mean

Swyped ✔
Flip phones are still selling like crazy in Asia.. A worldwide comeback would not surprise me.
Exactly. Just because the US isn't perhaps the best market for them doesn't mean they won't sell elsewhere.

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Well, maybe they are trying it. I just got this video as a notification from Moto, titled 6 9 2016. Maybe they really are going to bring back some form of a flip phone?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Well, maybe they are trying it. I just got this video as a notification from Moto, titled 6 9 2016. Maybe they really are going to bring back some form of a flip phone?

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Dude, that's wild!

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I used to hate candybar style phones. But since all smartphones were CB, I had no choice but to convert. I hope they bring their A-Game with this could very well be a game changer (aside from Sammies upcoming foldable option) if done correctly.
Color me intrigued.

S5 tap'n
I could see my wife liking a flip device if it means that it's smaller. She's living the size of her new S7, but she was jealous of the size of her sister's S4 Mini for a long time.

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I'm still not convinced these will sell well, but that commercial has me intrigued as to what they heck they are doing. I guess that's was the idea behind the commercial? Definitely hits a cord with the generation that grew up with that style phone.

Who rocked the long hair in high school?

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