[ROM] CushZero 2.3.7


Premium Member
Premium Member
Jul 21, 2010
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM

wouldnt recommend flashing over a rom without wipe you can do so but problems may occur

**side note need to take a little break will try to get to bugs and such as fast as i can lifes just jam packed atm**


will add shortly


Torchfix flash me

liquid source code a lot of the new stuff is credited to him and his teachings cant thank you enough liquid
new ascii art when loading on recovery (liquidzgirl)
ADWLauncher is back in system/app for those who have trouble with the google sync
PropModder's latest app zerosettings/preformance (n00bwares)
ics theme (liquid)
zerosettings redone added removed and shuffled things around (liquid)(c2p)
stock gb kb is back as well













please mark as install and nominate for mod of the month
would be most appreciated
side note thank you k1k for donating me your old d1 when mine broke

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I have to say you did an incredible job on this, Cush. So far no issues whatsoever.
Awesome job! Especially on the prop mods.

Sent from my CushZero using DroidForums
Getting something weird, I have set up my power widgets for ring type, wifi, brightness, led light, gps, and lock screen. I can not toggle ring type and brightness also I am getting FC on tourch apk. I made sure to install this fresh with multiple wipes (unrooted and rerooted end of last month with only one ROM install since). The tourch apk will open, icon in notification bar is there but no light and can not "turn off" when typing to toggle or in apk. As for righ type once I toggle to a different type it will change (ie ring to vibrate) but will not toggle back. I have to use volume keys to adjust the volume back up. Anyone else having these issues or something like this? All in all these are not big issues an I can live w/ them. Everything else seems to be running great, fast no FC (other then tourch) and I really like the theme color. Thanks Cush for all your hard work.

Sent from my CushZero using DroidForums
Getting something weird, I have set up my power widgets for ring type, wifi, brightness, led light, gps, and lock screen. I can not toggle ring type and brightness also I am getting FC on tourch apk. I made sure to install this fresh with multiple wipes (unrooted and rerooted end of last month with only one ROM install since). The tourch apk will open, icon in notification bar is there but no light and can not "turn off" when typing to toggle or in apk. As for righ type once I toggle to a different type it will change (ie ring to vibrate) but will not toggle back. I have to use volume keys to adjust the volume back up. Anyone else having these issues or something like this? All in all these are not big issues an I can live w/ them. Everything else seems to be running great, fast no FC (other then tourch) and I really like the theme color. Thanks Cush for all your hard work.

Sent from my CushZero using DroidForums

No issues on toggling ring type or brightness power widgets for me. However, the torch.apk is FCing on open and will not turn on. I'm pulling the .apk from LGB 3.1 and seeing if that works. I'll let you know what I find.

Edit: Sigh...this is what I get for being an idiot. I didn't make a back-up before hand. Pulled the .apk and put it into system apps and then I was hot-booted. Stuck in loop now. Will re-install then make a back-up and try and replace .apk. Smh. Noob move right there. Lol.
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Getting something weird, I have set up my power widgets for ring type, wifi, brightness, led light, gps, and lock screen. I can not toggle ring type and brightness also I am getting FC on tourch apk. I made sure to install this fresh with multiple wipes (unrooted and rerooted end of last month with only one ROM install since). The tourch apk will open, icon in notification bar is there but no light and can not "turn off" when typing to toggle or in apk. As for righ type once I toggle to a different type it will change (ie ring to vibrate) but will not toggle back. I have to use volume keys to adjust the volume back up. Anyone else having these issues or something like this? All in all these are not big issues an I can live w/ them. Everything else seems to be running great, fast no FC (other then tourch) and I really like the theme color. Thanks Cush for all your hard work.

Sent from my CushZero using DroidForums

damn the torch bug is a new one on me will take a look tonight and see whats going on with that the sound and brightness toggles was a bug me and liquid thought we squashed will see about that as well me and my tester experienced it the new build fixed mine I'll get with liquid on it and get his thoughts sorry for the troubles
Cush no need for any apologies your hard work has really shown here. If anyone should apologize its me for adding one more thing on to what I can only imagine an already full plate. Thanks again for looking into these issues

Sent from my CushZero using DroidForums
Replacing the torch.apk with the one from LGB 3.1 fixes it. No FC and toggling via the power widget works.
Cush no need for any apologies your hard work has really shown here. If anyone should apologize its me for adding one more thing on to what I can only imagine an already full plate. Thanks again for looking into these issues

Sent from my CushZero using DroidForums

should have fix for the torch soon no need to apologize my friend closed mouths never get fed :) good customer service is what i shoot for
ive heard nothing but good about this rom.. soo im gonna give it a shot..

edit... first impression... this rom is probably the most underrated rom out there! its sweet.. the first run has been the best ive seen so far in a rom... keep up the good work. and try to get the 1% battery that would top off this great rom!
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op link updated with fix if you have downloaded the rom before tonight flash the fix in the bugs section of the op