Cyanogen Mod Custom Boot Animation!!!

da,m that is sick wander if koush will install on his rosmm from now on would be cool
I love this. Thank you so much!

What would be really sick though is if the arrow loop in the background of the CM android would spin in the final frames, just like the lights flash on the droid eye.

The funny thing is my original animation had the arrow looping in the final frames! The problem was my animation was getting fairly large and i decided to cut the last part for better performance.

That's pretty funny haha. After the second time rebooting, it runs a hundred times smoother than the first. Great work!
Hello everyone, to show my appreciation for Koush and all the work he's done to provide us the badass ROM Cyanogenmod. I decided to create a Cyanogenmod boot animation. Enjoy!


Cyanogenmod Boot Animation

Installation instructions:
Using Root Explorer:
Mount your droid to your PC and place the file at the root of your sdcard. Then using Root Explorer navigate to your sdcard, long press on the file until a popup menu appears. Select "Move" or "Copy". Once you select one, "Paste" and "Cancel" buttons will appear near the bottom of your screen. Now, press the back button to move to the root of your file system. Then navigate to data/local/ and then press "Paste". You'll be prompted to overwrite the existing Press "OK". Then reboot.

Using ADB:
Download the zip file and place it in the tools directory of the Android SDK. Mount your droid. Then using a command prompt on your PC "cd" to the Android/tools directory and type the command:
adb push /data/local
Hit enter, and once this command is done processing type reboot and hit enter.
This is to DATE the best bootanimation i have ever saw...great job!
Nice work!!

I just used terminal emulator to install mine. Here's what I did.

Mount your filesystem as r/w (I used Droid Root Helper)
Open Terminal Emulator
$ su
Allow Root (if applicable)
# cp /sdcard/ /data/local/

Its pretty trivial if you're familiar with Linux command line operation.
Nice work!!

I just used terminal emulator to install mine. Here's what I did.

Mount your filesystem as r/w (I used Droid Root Helper)
Open Terminal Emulator
$ su
Allow Root (if applicable)
# cp /sdcard/ /data/local/

Its pretty trivial if you're familiar with Linux command line operation.

#mv /sdcard/ /data/local/

using the move command, it will no longer be on your SD card after applying the new bootanim. Just be sure that is in the root directory of your SD card.

EDIT: Actually, you do not need to mount your filesystem, considering mounting mounts /system and not /data.
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Installed using root explorer. Thanks for the simple instructions. Also thanks for the BA.
Nice work!!

I just used terminal emulator to install mine. Here's what I did.

Mount your filesystem as r/w (I used Droid Root Helper)
Open Terminal Emulator
$ su
Allow Root (if applicable)
# cp /sdcard/ /data/local/

Its pretty trivial if you're familiar with Linux command line operation.

#mv /sdcard/ /data/local/

using the move command, it will no longer be on your SD card after applying the new bootanim. Just be sure that is in the root directory of your SD card.

EDIT: Actually, you do not need to mount your filesystem, considering mounting mounts /system and not /data.

I chose to keep it on my card because I wasn't sure if its going to survive a ROM upgrade in the future. I'm not too familiar with the filesystems that are r/w and what aren't. Thanks for the info :icon_ banana: