
every new build of MIUI i go to i've religiously wiped...3Xs data and cache. I didn't even restore anything through titanuim or MIUI backup and started with a blank slate. All previously builds of MIUI never had this problem for me, but this build does...and it appears others are having the same issue.

Not sure if its the messaging app or a data connection issue as I've seen reported issues with users losing 3G connection and had to toggle airplane mode on/off.

Im wondering if anyone is looking into the possiblity that it could be a legit bug? jam? hopp?

Rob I've never had a single issue of any kind with Miui...it's all in how you flash it, and what you wipe and format in clockwork. I've done it to five different Droids, and they all work flawlessly with it.

I use clockwork each time. The reason i found out is when i ask someone a question and never hear back. Then i call them and they reply that they did respond. I guess you would never know if you missed one, unless you needed a response. I *228+ yesterday and that seemed yo help. Its just weird, cause it seems fine for the first few days of flashing.. IDK...
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It may be chewy, but I personally haven't missed any msgs. Verizon has a pretty shaky record when it comes to msging, (google verizon messaging problems), so it would be hard to pinpoint the cause. It could be app, service, location, or carrier related. More information needs to be provided to establish a pattern that can be traced.
every new build of MIUI i go to i've religiously wiped...3Xs data and cache. I didn't even restore anything through titanuim or MIUI backup and started with a blank slate. All previously builds of MIUI never had this problem for me, but this build does...and it appears others are having the same issue.

Not sure if its the messaging app or a data connection issue as I've seen reported issues with users losing 3G connection and had to toggle airplane mode on/off.

Im wondering if anyone is looking into the possiblity that it could be a legit bug? jam? hopp?

Rob I've never had a single issue of any kind with Miui...it's all in how you flash it, and what you wipe and format in clockwork. I've done it to five different Droids, and they all work flawlessly with it.

I use clockwork each time. The reason i found out is when i ask someone a question and never hear back. Then i call them and they reply that they did respond. I guess you would never know if you missed one, unless you needed a response. I *228+ yesterday and that seemed yo help. Its just weird, cause it seems fine for the first few days of flashing.. IDK...
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Chewy instead of wiping data and cache 3x just wipe data/factory reset, then wipe cache partition. Then go into Partitions and format boot, system, data and cache. See how it works for you after that. I've found that way of wiping works best. I've had problems just wiping data and cache before. Wiping data an cache 3X isn't any different than wiping them once really.
Need some help or at least a push in the right direction... I'm running Miui on an Evo, which I have running on the Verizon network. I understand that this isn't the Evo's forum, but my problem seems to be more network related and since the Droid 1 runs on VZW, I thought I would ask here.

My problem is with MMS. I can receive MMS no problem on the Evo after I have restored the appropriate apn using APN Backup and Recovery, and activated it using APN Manager. But I can't send. If I'm on Wifi and I try to send an MMS, I can see the 3G activate and some very quick data transmit back and forth, and then the 3G drops out again. If I'm on 3G already, I see the arrows fluctuate quickly and then stop. Either scenario, the end user never gets the message.

If I run logcat through adb, I can see the apn connection come up, tells me that its in a connected state, but it doesn't appear that the MMS app actually tries to transmit anything. I've tried replacing mms.apk from the D1 rom with the 1 from the Evo rom, but with the same result. Are there any other apk's I should try to pull over? Or maybe some other config files?
This might be better asked in the IRC linked in the OP. Someone might come along here who can help, but there are some really skilled devs that hang out in the IRC. Sunday may be slow, but they check in frequently.
has anybody tried to reflash the latest radio over the current build?
just a thought, perhaps by flashing it over the build it would reset and fix this issue as it has been flashed after MIUI has set itself up.
I'm no tech whiz, but I did play one on TV.
Let me know if this has already been attempted and if not let us no the new outcome regardless of its success.
Sent from danceswithbongs underground lab at Los Bongamos
Is there going to be any kind of fix for the problem with Yahoo Mail not working with stock Email app? I really need to be able to use this since I have a lot of things attached to my yahoo account. This has been an ongoing problem for the last handful of releases, and I have yet to hear any talk about a solution. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

Dude just get the Yahoo mail app...
Not a big deal but appears that MIUI backup does not restore EVERYTHING backed up. One of my games, Air attack, did not. I even went back a second time and chose just that one program but still a no go. Used TiBu pro instead. Not sure if this was mentioned before. Love this new launcher animation.

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Not a big deal but appears that MIUI backup does not restore EVERYTHING backed up. One of my games, Air attack, did not. I even went back a second time and chose just that one program but still a no go. Used TiBu pro instead. Not sure if this was mentioned before. Love this new launcher animation.

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It has been discussed. Miui Backup only restores programs originally installed on the phone, not on the SD card.
NEW radio again?

has anybody tried to reflash the latest radio over the current build?
just a thought, perhaps by flashing it over the build it would reset and fix this issue as it has been flashed after MIUI has set itself up.
I'm no tech whiz, but I did play one on TV.
Let me know if this has already been attempted and if not let us no the new outcome regardless of its success.
Sent from danceswithbongs underground lab at Los Bongamos

Is there on since these?

Ive tried the last two, not much difference for me from either- if thers a newer one cool!
Darn as I'm pretty sure the one at list bottom is the latest available.
I'm out of ideas other than that, except someone may be in proccess making a newer experimental.
Keep your eyes on the sites like here and a few other sites like XDA or Cyanogens wiki
Sorry to hear that my idea didn't help, don't give up though on searching.
Maybe words like experimental, beta, radio and C_
Hopefully that can point you to something that hadn't been released to everyone.
Then of they are still testing you could volunteer to test out and explain why you really need out regardless off any bug s, since it can't hurt due to your current situation.
Is anyone else missing phone calls because of a low ringer? Also, am I wrong, I dont see a setting for vibrate and sound on the ringer.
Is anyone else missing phone calls because of a low ringer? Also, am I wrong, I dont see a setting for vibrate and sound on the ringer.

You might have to go. Settings then personal then sounds settings then you can change the vibration on ringtones and notification. I hope that answer ur question

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