D3 skipped in custom roms


Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
I'm worried that the d3 is gonna get skipped in custom roms just like the d2g did.
I mean d1 was king, so I got a d2g, I felt like a red headed step child.
I know bootloader was locked but that was given a workaround pretty quickly.
Now I have the d3 the only I'm seeing is everyone talking about other new phones.

Thoughts anyone?
Well we need for the d3 to get rooted first and then the roms will follow.
Only time and effort will tell for the Droid 3, though I highly doubt it would be skipped. There'll always be some sort of exploit to root and eventually rom. "Nothing is impossible as long as you put your mind to it"

Sent from my cyanoblurred D2G
Well my main point that I failed to mention is that I'm wondering if the d3 is gonna be worth keeping if it gets no attention like the d2g did,

Pretend root was here now, you think thered be a good selection of roms?
I would say no. I think most of the dev attention will be on the upcoming bionic as it is a flagship device like the OG was. Thats just my opinion.

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No offense but with that kind of negativity there won't be any good roms.. why even put that negativity out there? Just be positive and if there isn't any good roms then as a community we will all learn how to make a good quality rom. There's always a positive in every situation. That's how I see things. Don't trip.

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It has only been two weeks since it was officially released...
Lol, we'll get roms. Droid 3 is doing a lot better then the droid 2 already pretty sure, especially in terms on popularity. Even before bogo, its been sold out in many places, now it's basically only available online. There's a lot of people that have purchased this phone and on other forums you'll find there's a lot more then just us looking for root. Even more casual phone users on youtube.

Check out droid 3 vs mytouch 4g by Phonedog on youtube(they're like 20minute videos going over everything even), droid 3 won. Or, charge vs droid 3. Droid 3 won. Take note, tb also lost to the charge in an earlier review, basically meaning droid 3 would beat that as well. Also take note, those were 4g phones.. kinda says something. Jon4lakers does good reviews, too. All with thousands of subscribers and sponsored by people like Best Buy, and they know what they're talking about. Definitely not VZW just trying to sell a phone.

We'll be fine.. just wait. I know you're anxious, as am I. But these threads aren't necessarily gonna speed things up. And now that it's been confirmed the Bionic isn't coming out until September, we have a month extra for devs to spend time on the Droid 3. They're not gonna find roms for a phone they know nothing about(when it comes to doing that).

People have been talking about this phone(Bionic) for months, it's only normal that people are gonna talk about it, and even the s2, a lot more now that's it's getting closer. It was like this at the end of June too when people thought it was gonna come out early July. Droid 3 even had quite a bit of hype online. You definitely don't have a bad phone.. but, the end decision is all you. Your 14 days will be over with by the time the bionic or s2 is out anyway if you're thinking about those two phones. But, you could go with the revolution, charge, or tb.

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Not to mention, we already have a great dev working on getting the device rooted/rom'd; woodyman.
Ageed, im not worried. This is a great phone and have no doubt once bootloader is unlocked either by moto keeping their word or otherwise, it would only keep getting better.
Id love to see droid 3 up against any physical keyboard upcoming phones.
I had said I wouldn't root this when I got it but all I can think of is if I could OC this thing just how blazing fast it would be. Its pretty fast now and if we could go as high as the xoom can wow, this thing will be smoking.

end of line...
No offense to your D2g, but this is a totally different scenario than going from D1>>>D2.

This phone has been totally muscled up. It's a huge move from the D2>>>D3. The screen size is the absolute sweet-spot, the keyboard is on the way to mythical status, it's global, it's super cool looking and it's dual core.

The detractors are harping about screens and LTE and they're non issues.

The D3 is going to have huge numbers and thus PLENTY of development. Don't sweat it.
If p3droid is working on it youll prob be fine, if not I would be concerned, he seems to be the moto expert.

Plus if moto unlockstheir bootloaders imsure eventually all will be fine....

Id be more concerned with moto to fixing your smurf cam.
I hear the best hope is an update to come. Then they can dig around that and find a root method.

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