Damaged SD card, please help


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
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Well this is the second 32GB micro SD card I have tried. I remove the 16GB card, put in the 32GB card, turn the phone on, unmount the card and format it, and everytime it says damaged SD card. Under the SD card % phone storage settings it says total space and available space are unavailable. I go to format it again and still it says "Damaged SD card."
Both 32GB cards I tried are Sandisk cards bought from the verizon store. The 32GB is a class 2, while the 16GB is a class 4. That's the only difference I can see. Can anyone help??
Not sure if this is the issue and fix but worth a try

If you have a micro card reader put the card in it and use your computer to reformat. If you do not have a micro reader go to VZW store and ask them to reformat.

Let us know how you resolve.

This is running stock. Droid X with the latest .640 update, though the first memory card I got was on the original version. I put the card in my reader on my Mac Pro and reformatted back to FAT32 after the first SD damaged card error. I put it back in the phone and as usual, it recognizes the card, then says unknown file structure, it takes me to the screen to format, and when I hit format, I again get the damaged card warning. I guess I might have to take a trip to verizon store later.
I thought we droidx owners won't have 32gb availability until we get froyo.

Sent from my DroidX via Tapatalk (
I bought one at the Verizon store, and when I powered up it was recognized as a 32gb card, but I went into the settings and unmounted and attempted to format the card as the Verizon store employee told me and I got the SD card is damaged message. After 30 minutes on the phone with Verizon they shipped out a replacement card which arrived this morning, they assumed I had a damaged card. But it does the exact same thing. If I put the card in my laptop and do a quick format (Fat 32 setting) and then put the card into the Droid X it will auto-mount and read as a 32gb card. I transfered over about 15gb worth of videos and they all seem to play ok. I am guessing maybe it is a software glitch of some sort maybe? My phone will also successfully format the stock 16gb card that came with the Droid X, but for whatever reason it fails on both 32gb cards. I am hoping it is a software glitch and not a hardware one...but I imagine it will take months of people reporting this before they even believe it, lol. For now I will just not attempt to format using the Droid X and backup on my lappy. Good luck!
I bought one at the Verizon store, and when I powered up it was recognized as a 32gb card, but I went into the settings and unmounted and attempted to format the card as the Verizon store employee told me and I got the SD card is damaged message. After 30 minutes on the phone with Verizon they shipped out a replacement card which arrived this morning, they assumed I had a damaged card. But it does the exact same thing. If I put the card in my laptop and do a quick format (Fat 32 setting) and then put the card into the Droid X it will auto-mount and read as a 32gb card. I transfered over about 15gb worth of videos and they all seem to play ok. I am guessing maybe it is a software glitch of some sort maybe? My phone will also successfully format the stock 16gb card that came with the Droid X, but for whatever reason it fails on both 32gb cards. I am hoping it is a software glitch and not a hardware one...but I imagine it will take months of people reporting this before they even believe it, lol. For now I will just not attempt to format using the Droid X and backup on my lappy. Good luck!

Thanks all for the help. I am reporting this to a Verizon employee. I have an old 2GB card that works, and formatted fine in the phone. I guess I will just have to wait and see if froyo fixes this. I'd rather not take a chance with the 32gb card not formatted properly in the phone.
Mine was plug & play. Didn't have to format anything, just worked. Maybe the format process itself is messing it up? And yes, I've made sure all 32GB works. I filled it with movies and tried accessing all of them and they all worked.
Wow I am surprised you got one to format, I was figuring it'd be an all or nothing situation if it was software related...so who knows. It does seem so far that straight plug & play works, it's only when you try to format that the problem happens. I wonder if anyone is able to format the Verizon 32gb cards using the phone instead of straight plug & play? If so, then either we both got two dud cards in a row (what are the odds) or our phones are defective :( Ugh.
Since mine is working, I'm not going to be formatting mine to test this out and risk breaking it. Sorry lol.
Oh I mis-read, you formatted an old 2gb card not an old 32gb card...well there is still hope it is a software issue then.....here's hoping froyo fixes it!
Just happened to me

so the whole "Damaged SD Card" thing just happened to me about 5 minutes ago......with my 32gb card!! i was freaking out but all i had to do was use the usb sd card reader verizon gave me with my card and format using FAT32. put the card back in my phone and worked fine.
I have gone through two 32 GB microSD Cards on the Droid X.

The first card never worked out of the package. Put it in the USB holder and attempted to access and format the card on the computer. The computer would not even find the card.

The second card worked well for awhile. Then stupid me, I attempted to format the card using the phone and it immediately reported a Damaged SD Card condition.

I used the USB holder and attempted to format the card on the computer without success. What am I doing wrong? You say you were able to get the computer to format the card after it reported to be damaged. How?

If the SD Card reports it to be damaged, how can the issue be resolved if the computer cannot recognize there's a card installed at the USB Port?

Sure could use some help with this. Thanks.
My SD card has randomly reported damaged 4-5 times now after unplugging from the computer in usb storage mode. I just shut the phone off and turn it back on and it finds the SD card fine and undamaged. I think it might be a problem with the O/S or card driver, but if this happens to you, don't do anything but shut the phone off and right back on and you should be fine.
When I used the usb adapter it said it was a 2 gb card but it was 32 gb. right click> format. Have you tried using the normal sd card adapter instead?
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