Deskclock 2.1 Alarm Issues


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Does anyone else have any issues with alarms not going off? The alarms were working fine when I was running 2.0.1. But over the weekend, when I updated to 2.1, the alarms on my phone stopped working altogether. I've been searching for solutions since friday, nothing's helped.. sorry if I missed anything.

I'm on a rooted Motorola Droid 2.1 update 1.
Just tried the An droid alarm clock and it works fine for me. Check to make sure that you have checked the box for the alarm to go off when in silent mode.
actually when i was running bugless beast with 2.1, the alarms werent going off either
Just tried the An droid alarm clock and it works fine for me. Check to make sure that you have checked the box for the alarm to go off when in silent mode.

yup, tried that.
they don't have a problem when i set them to go off in like 5 or so minutes. it's the morning clocks that seem to not go off. I know it's not a situation where I just ignore them because I'm knocked out. Ive been waking up at 5 a.m. every morning since college (such is the life of a nursing student), so I have no problem waking up to an alarm. But, the problem is, the alarm just doesn't go off in the morning anymore. Maybe i'll try installing CM and try the alarm on that. Maybe its a problem with the Deskclock.apk running on a stock 2.1
Lets be clear are you using this apk (nexus 2.1 clock)? If so, this uses a separate alarm system than the stock Droid alarm app. touch the alarm when the dock is open and set the alarm here. Make sure to disable alarms on the stock app.