Solved DF G+ Open discussion: Keeping my info safe vs stopping a crime


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Thanks to a member here I read an article that inspired a great topic for discussion. Unfortunately it can not be fully discussed here without violating forums rules as it will definitely walk that line of possible political discussion. So I am going to use the G+ page to post the article. I actually posted the article in its full content there so you do not have to go to my site to read it.

If you would like to participate in the discussion go here: .

Because it is not moderated there is more lead way. With that said please try and be somewhat restrained. The article is not for bashing any one party or person that is holding a government office.

I didn't know the Forum had a Google+ page. Will check it out there.

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Thanks to a member here I read an article that inspired a great topic for discussion. Unfortunately it can not be fully discussed here without violating forums rules as it will definitely walk that line of possible political discussion. So I am going to use the G+ page to post the article. I actually posted the article in its full content there so you do not have to go to my site to read it.

If you would like to participate in the discussion go here: .

Because it is not moderated there is more lead way. With that said please try and be somewhat restrained. The article is not for bashing any one party or person that is holding a government office.


Boy, that sure makes you think... I'll try to remember to go back and respond this evening. Good article!
Boy, that sure makes you think... I'll try to remember to go back and respond this evening. Good article!
It's a interesting topic indeed. In fact if you go to the actual link I provided it will take you to the full article where you can click on some embedded hyperlinks. Those embedded hyperlinks source where I got my information from. And when you read through that it will definitely make you ask some questions.

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It's a interesting topic indeed. In fact if you go to the actual link I provided it will take you to the full article where you can click on some embedded hyperlinks. Those embedded hyperlinks source where I got my information from. And when you read through that it will definitely make you ask some questions.

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Yes, I read them. I'm not set up on G+ -- or never used it, but will try to figure it out so I can respond tonight. Sorry, not overly techie. I do remember when they were trying to crack the iPhone belonging to the terrorists in San Bernardino. I struggled with it then and have kept that in mind ever since. This kind of stuff fascinates me.
Yes, I read them. I'm not set up on G+ -- or never used it, but will try to figure it out so I can respond tonight. Sorry, not overly techie. I do remember when they were trying to crack the iPhone belonging to the terrorists in San Bernardino. I struggled with it then and have kept that in mind ever since. This kind of stuff fascinates me.

I was trying to figure out how to post it to the DF Twitter (Droid Forums (@DroidForums) | Twitter) or FB page (Droidforums Net) as G+ is a dead platform that I should not have been trying to revive. I may link the Article and try and mention DF so that people may respond on Twitter if they choose.

I just wanted people's honest opinion. I am not asking people to bash a party or president as that is not what it is about at all. But I know it is a topic that can criticize some of our government policies or social norms as a whole.

I may look at cleaning the topic up a little to post it here in the near future.
I don't do much on Twitter. I have an account, but never really done anything on it except to retweet for a chance to win something lol. I'll give it a try though.
Your comments about keeping politics out of it. Honestly? I don't see this as a political issue, but understand where you're coming from and why you made that statement.
I was trying to figure out how to post it to the DF Twitter (Droid Forums (@DroidForums) | Twitter) or FB page (Droidforums Net) as G+ is a dead platform that I should not have been trying to revive. I may link the Article and try and mention DF so that people may respond on Twitter if they choose.

I just wanted people's honest opinion. I am not asking people to bash a party or president as that is not what it is about at all. But I know it is a topic that can criticize some of our government policies or social norms as a whole.

I may look at cleaning the topic up a little to post it here in the near future.

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edit... That above wont work so Ill post the discussion here. To my fellow staff members I lit this fire so if it gets out of control Ill take the responsibility. But I really want to know what people think. So I am going to kill this thread here and actually open a discussion on this forum.