Do I really need a new ROM?


Oct 22, 2010
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I just got a replacement x I had vanilla rom on my other x with black glass theme...after I overwrote the new rom I was a little dissatisfied because vanilla took my swype away and visual voice mail and a few other things I liked. I tried to get vvm back but the app market said their version want compatible with my phone...luckily it came back with black glass.

My question is, is it really worth it to burn a new rom if I am satisfied with the verizon rom? Mostly I just want themes...if I root again and just install themes will I still be able to receive OTA updates on verizons rom?

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Root it, make a backup, customize away, then you will be able to get back to stock real easily

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You can disable the stock vvm app in the build.prop file and then install the vvm app from the market.

I love vvm from the market but literally can't stand the cheap stock vvm app on the Droid x.

Also, if you installed drod928 black glass theme over a vanilla ROM, you no longer have a vanilla ROM! lol

The main thing is to do what makes you happy. If you don't like getting every bit of performance and functionality out of your Droid X, then just keep it stock.

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Very true, make it work for you!

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I second what zerosouls said, "who cares what we think."

If you want themes, just do a theme, no need for the ROM.

I was a little dissatisfied because vanilla took my swype away and visual voice mail and a few other things I liked. I tried to get vvm back but the app market said their version want compatible with my phone...luckily it came back with black glass.

Why not use google voice?