Does OnePlus have a shot at regaining the public's trust?


Editor in Chief
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Premium Member
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Twice now OnePlus have done a poor job in getting their product into consumers' hands. Do you think we will be willing to give them another chance?
I personally have been completely turned off by their invite system and as long as they persist with that business roll model I will continue to not support them.

I understand the pressures behind supplying a product to the masses, but it would behoove them to simply produce a batch then make them available on a first come, first served basis.
I think it's funny that the title of this thread says REgain. I'm not sure they've really had the public's trust so far. I think it you ask folks outside of communities like DF, most people probably haven't really even heard of them or understand what they've been doing.

Invite system aside, they've yet to produce a device that even works on the carrier that's really my only option for coverage in my area and when traveling between here and my hometown, so I couldn't really care any less about what they do. I won't be a costumer until many things change. Even then, I think there are better options for my money.