double texts Handcent (not notifcations)


Nov 7, 2009
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I have done a few searches for this but everythign I have found on double texts with handcent is about double notifications because they had not shut off the notifications from the default text app.

My problem is not double notifications but actually getting double texts. Not every time but fairly often I get double text messages from my freinds who are are on different carriers. I just get the same message twice, and i think its handcents fault because when I go look at my texts online via google voice I only have one message not the double message....
I have been having the same problem. Not only am I getting the multiple texts, but it is gotten very slow in loading up and laggy. I am about ready to just uninstall the program and use the naitive application or ChompSMS.
I too sometimes get the multiple messages containing same text. I've even had it do over two of the same before. One of the main reasons that I love Handcent is because of the 160 character split and LED notifications. 160 character split is a must as I tend to go over and with native and they don't get the complete message.

I wondered if the manual check messages while auto retrieve had anything to do with it but I kept forgetting to change it...
double texts and lagginess in handcent

I have been having the same problem. Not only am I getting the multiple texts, but it is gotten very slow in loading up and laggy. I have contacted handcent and they keep telling me to turn off notifications.
uninstall. reinstall. it's what I did and the doubles stopped.
I just installed chomp....its pretty much the same thing and I haven't had any problems so far

Here are your solutions 1 - Menu, Settings, Retrieve Message Settings, then at the bottome UNCHECK the "Self-check" option. If you then start having messages NOT save (may happen randomly) see solution 2.

Solution 2 - leave the "Self-Check" option ON. Enter your adb shell, mount the system, and REMOVE Mms.apk:
rm /system/app/Mms.apk

Here are your solutions 1 - Menu, Settings, Retrieve Message Settings, then at the bottome UNCHECK the "Self-check" option. If you then start having messages NOT see solution 2.

Solution 2 - leave the "Self-Check" option ON. Enter your adb shell, mount the system, and REMOVE Mms.apk:
rm /system/app/Mms.apk

thank you except i uninstalled it a bit ago....but while were at it was the main difference between handcent and chomp? They pretty much seems the same to me, except I am experience a little less lagg in the menus with chomp
I've used handcent from the very beginning. I've always liked it, it is extremely customizable and i liked the interface. I had issues at one point, heard about chomp and tried it out for a short while. I forget why, but I did not think it compared to handcent, and I basically returned immediately. I've also had the opportunity of talking with the dev of hancent on numerous occasions, and they have worked with me, nbeen VERy responsive, and even incorporate just about every request I made. It is for that reason I have such loyalty to handcent, as well as i can get it to match any theme i create :)
I am getting the same problem. I will try the uninstall reinstall option first.
i've been having the same issue as well. i thought it was just some verizon glitch.


Here are your solutions 1 - Menu, Settings, Retrieve Message Settings, then at the bottome UNCHECK the "Self-check" option. If you then start having messages NOT see solution 2.

Solution 2 - leave the "Self-Check" option ON. Enter your adb shell, mount the system, and REMOVE Mms.apk:
rm /system/app/Mms.apk

i'll try solution 1 first and keep everyone posted. thx!
Handcent and Chomp are similar but I only use Handcent I think it looks nicer but the lags and double texts are very annoying. I think handcent seems more polished plus the blacklist function among others are great.