Download problem

That looks like Google had a server issue. Seems it may have caused some other problems like Google Now not working temporarily as well.

If not a Google server maybe your connection. Does everything else work OK?
Just tried downloading something else. Same error.
Just tried downloading an app from my PC to my phone. No luck. I didn't get an error message but nothing happened. No download. *sigh*. It's always something.
Here's a suggestion from another forum that has worked, (though there are a few other things to try), remove your Google account, restart then add the account back.
"Were you trying to download over wifi or carrier network?"

Whenever I get notice that there are several upgrades available, I always use wifi.

"Here's a suggestion from another forum that has worked, (though there are a few other things to try), remove your Google account, restart then add the account back."

Do you mean delete my email account??
Under settings accounts, the one that has your Google user name Not your E-Mail account. This will not hurt or disrupt anything at all. It's the account the phone is set up with.
"the one that has your Google user name Not your E-Mail account"

The one with my username @ IS my email account. I'm confused here.
I was trying to be sure you didn't remove the account IN your E-Mail client. Just some clarification.
I deleted and added the account and tried again. Got an error "error retrieving information from server".

Can anyone else download from the store or is it just me??
Ok. Problem solved. I went to Best Buy. They said a lot of people with gs4'S were having the same problem. It took a reinstall of the google play app then all was well. BUT, while I was there I figured I'd check out the GS5. I got $75 trade in on my GS4 and went for the GS5. Hard to gauge the difference. Not enough use yet. The sales guy tried to get me onto the GS6 but (you know, battery, storage etc.) so I came home with the GS5. I'll be days before I get get it where it's