Droid 2 Apex custom ROM help


Apr 22, 2011
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I have a verizon wireless Droid 2. I have rooted it and downloaded the Apex custom ROM. it worked awesome for a day. After I turned it off and let it stay off for about 40 minutes, I tried to turn it back on. It turned on and went to the booting logo (which is the word APEX). After about a few minutes the logo goes away and a message pops up saying "Sorry! Process system is not responding." then it gives me the option to "force close" or "wait". I hit "wait" and waited for about 40 minutes-1 hour and nothing happened. So I restarted my Droid 2 and hit "force close." Still nothing happened. Does anybody know how to fix this? Help Please
I too had the similar results. I upgraded my Apex from 1.3 to the latest. The notes said this was doable, but nobodys system is the same so I assumed it was something else along with 1.3 that broke my phone when I upgraded to 1.4. I fixed it by placing my droid 2 back to stock then installing Apex's latest Custom Rom.

TBH & MyDroidWorld Present: Droid 2 (2.3.20) Triple Threat

Hope this helps. And Good Luck.
green smileys in text on APEX

Im not sure if this is the best place to post this but here goes. I want to get my regular green Smiley faces back. When installed Apex it turned the smileys back to little androids which I HATE. How can I get the stock smileys back? Cant find it in the tool box or spare parts?
im pretty sure if u download handcent sms it gives u an option to use stock smileys
Any fix for the noitification led colorb being stuck on red? Give me my green back

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