Droid 2 .apk files, and such!

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Oct 20, 2010
Reaction score
New York

This is my first legitimate post, and I'm proud to become a part of your community. I actually just recently switched to Verizon, and got the Droid 2 (Yesterday). Any-whom, I just wanted to express how cool it is for .apk files to work on droids. It's awesome because if I search hard enough, I can find most paid apps as .apk files which I can put onto my D2. It's sweet! Does anyone have a good reliable site that has a supplement of these files?
Anyways, It's good to be here!
:welcome: to the Forum. The requesting of any .apk files for any free paid apps are not allowed in the Droid Forums. Anyone who post any links or discusses areas that does this will get an infraction.

OP, I don't know what kind of .apk files you are looking for. If you are seeking free paid apps then this is not the forum to do that.

Warning has been posted. I will leave the thread open to give the new member the benefit of the doubt.
:welcome: to the Forum. The requesting of any .apk files for any free paid apps are not allowed in the Droid Forums. Anyone who post any links or discusses areas that does this will get an infraction.

OP, I don't know what kind of .apk files you are looking for. If you are seeking free paid apps then this is not the forum to do that.

Warning has been posted. I will leave the thread open to give the new member the benefit of the doubt.

Gotcha, I should have probably viewed the rules, Sorry!
Noob Mistake :( Won't happen again.
OK, then I'll close the thread up then. That will prevent anyone from making a mistake.
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