Droid 2 Crashing and Restart Problem


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
I have a Droid 2 running stock GB with an extended battery. Recently, it started running slowly, so I uninstalled a bunch of apps. That definitely helped and caused it to run much faster.

However, I then started having problems that sometimes when I tried running an app (not necessarily any specific one), the the phone would restart. Other times it would just crash and I would have to manually restart it. Also, I usually leave the phone on airplane mode overnight to conserve the battery, but recently the battery started draining overnight and when I would wake up it would be totally dead.

I did a factory reset and reinstalled some apps, but I'm still having the same problems. Also now the battery started draining really quickly during the day as well. It went from 70% to 30% in less than 3 hours even though I barely used it then, which never happened before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. My power button is broken, however, so any suggestions would need to avoid that. Thank you!
It's probably being caused by the factory bloat that VZ has on there. A lot of those apps run in the background and drain the poop out of your battery and eat up your RAM.
I would root and remove the bloatware, but I read on CM's website that a Droid 2 with GB cannot be rooted. Is that true?