Droid 4 not recognized as Mass Storage Device


Apr 30, 2011
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I'm using the same usb cable as with my droid x. the phone charges via usb, but there is not mass storage.

when i swipe the status bar down, there is nothing there about usb connections.

is there somewere in settings i can set this?
don't know what a sim card has to do with it..

anyway, i got it working.. the cable i useded with my droid x (from another deivce) will not work with my droid 4. i went and got the OEM cable and all is well.

either the cable is not standard or my old cable is caput.

i can access my SD card just fine..
now i have noticed that when plugged in to the usb port, i can not run my wonder droidforums.net app.. untill i pull out the cable.. and then the icon is messed up untill i roboot my phone.

this app is not installed to the sd card to my knowledge.

i wish i could provide a screenshot of the phone.. it look s odd.. i have 3 icons that now have a gear on them.
Icons are back today... odd

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