droid drop


Active Member
Aug 14, 2010
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So i cant be alone here...

How many of you have dropped your precious droid?
Also, how many of you are surprised at the little guys resilience?

I know, I know, get a case...i have the innocase but the clips have broken off after a year.

oh well happy droid dancedroid
I dropped my Droid on a ride in an amusement park, cracked the screen. Started in the bottom left corner and spread it's way across the entire screen. Now I have a Droid X though so its all good.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I dropped my Droid on a ride in an amusement park, cracked the screen. Started in the bottom left corner and spread it's way across the entire screen. Now I have a Droid X though so its all good.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

woah... thats a bit more extreme than falling off my lap getting out of the car....lol
There are dozens of threads on the best and worst case for this and that phone, you just have to search around :wink:
Dropped mine once last June. My jacket has a pocket for cell and I forgot to snap. When I got out of my car my Droid fell. The battery cover poped off but I never had a problem.
oh lord. i found a 72 page thread that goes back to the day the phone was released...
There is a hilarious thread around here somewhere about dropped Droid stories - page three is the best - http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-general-discussions/58775-dropped-droid-stories.html

Thanks for the link, I just read about the pet squirrel & treadmill projectile. Could not stop laughing...:rofl3:

Those two were my favorites :)

There is also a lengthy thread on "who still uses the Droid notification sound" where one posts that their phone went off in church and a few post's later another member said the same...but he was the pastor :icon_eek: