Droid Incredible 2.2 rooted using Barnacle


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
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I have a DInc w/ 2.2 rooted and am trying to use Barnacle for free wifi hotspot. If I do skip wpa_supplicant I can get my iPad and laptop to see and connect but there is no internet connection. Does anyone have any tips? Has anyone with an Incredible w/ 2.2 gotten Barnacle to work? I have seen many comments from DInc owners saying the same thing.
Instead of Barnacle, download wifi tether from the Market. That is what I'm using and the iPad runs beautifully from it. So does my laptop, for that matter. You will also need to add an additional file to a folder named android.tether placed at the root of the sd card.

Take a look here. I'll bet this does the trick for you.

What is the easiest way to get wireless tether?
Awesome. That worked perfectly. At first I had Access-Control enabled but once I realized that it worked like a charm. FYI the name of the app is Wireless Tether. Thank you very much.