Droid Turbo Gets New Feature Details Leaked Along with More Pics

No removable battery, no SD card, fugly capacitive buttons no thanks. (Killer specs or not)

S5 tap'n
So it seems. LOL! it's all good....there are plenty of folks that will love this device and I'm sure it'll sell like hotcakes.

S5 tap'n
No removable battery, no SD card, fugly capacitive buttons no thanks. (Killer specs or not)

S5 tap'n
You know, I've used phones with capacitive buttons and I've used phones with the on screen buttons. In both situations, I was much more impressed with the capacitive buttons than the on-screen ones because finding the on screen buttons sometimes is difficult. I do appreciate and recognize the benefits of thing able to have customizable buttons, but it is nice to know where the buttons are all times even if they're not lit.

As far as removable batteries are concerned, with the 3900 milliamp battery I don't see the benefit to having it be removable. Stocked with that size battery the battery will last as long as I'm going to be using this phone for, and will certainly get me through the average days use without even a blink of an eye.

And as for having no SD card slot, that's addressed in three different directions. First, its got a built-in 32 gigabyte SD card and although it is a finite amount of storage it's a pretty good size.

Second, you do have cloud storage available to you and that can be cloud storage on someone else's servers or cloud storage on your own home network accessible drive such as I have myself. I've got two Western Digital NAS drives, one is two terabytes and the other is 3 terabytes. They're both connected to the network all the time and my phone automatically syncs to them constantly. I also have Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box as backups if and when I should need them.

Third, you have USB OTG ( on the go ), adapters to connect to your phone for your micro USB port and provide access to either a micro SD or a SD card slot, or even to a full blown usb connection, allowing you to connect essentially any external drive you wish to. They are available on ebay for a couple of dollars. So all you need is 1 of those and you have an SD card slot available to you at all times.
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The G3 has on screen buttons and it's been an issue with some apps and games.. I like capacitive..
Wait what? KitKat? That might be the deal breaker. If it doesn't ship with Lolipop I don't know if I want it. I tend to keep my devices for ~3 years. If it ships w/KK that means it's only going to get 1-2 additional updates. :-/.
These specs are awesome. Cloud storage has become a big business. My preference is an SD slot. I just like having my data local.