Droid Turbo Soak Test Reported on Phone Arena


Am I really going to be the last Turbo hold out? I guess it's not too surprising considering I was using an original Note on my personal account until last Christmas when my son gave me his "old" Galaxy S5 as a hand-me down.
I use turbo 2 as I think moto z force has two small a battery I almost want to stock up on a few turbo two LOL I hope they make a true Turbo 3 or 4 that's fully waterproof and shock absorbent

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
It's not about water. A soak test is when the manufacturer / developer releases a new OS update to a selected group of users (testers) to try it out before it rolls out to the public. They let the new software "soak" in for a few days to make sure it's stable.

Also: folks that are selected for a test group are forbidden from talking about it on public forums and websites.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Just say closed beta test. Soak test infers water. Thanks for the explanation know I understand

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Just say closed beta test. Soak test infers water. Thanks for the explanation know I understand

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
You're mind thinks water but the rest of the testing QA teams know it as soak test or stress testing. Soak as sajo said has nothing to do with water. Ever.

We use stress testing at work but that's more software and server related. Phone manufacturing uses soak testing.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Common explanation for a soak test is a type of performance test that will verify performance and stability of an electronic device. It is usually performed over a set period of time; however, when it comes to phones I have seen a few take less than a week before the software is released.
Anyone hear anything about this yet? Not asking for details, just if it actually happened.
Rumors on XDA say a bug was discovered and the soak was pulled.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Bailed on the Turbo a long time ago. Ruined me on Motorola.
Verizon's fault on hold up. Looks like it finally got pushed out. I'm glad my Moto Z Force already got Nougat. Now to play and see how M works on my beloved Turbo.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I'm one other ones wary of a big operating system update on a 2 year old phone (got mine on release day - Oct 30, 2014). Still working fine 2+ years later. I HOPE this update doesn't screw it up - but I've seen it happen before.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
So Far SO good. When we getting Nougat? LOL
Probably why I will strongly entertain an apple product for the next phone. They get Updates when updates are pushed out.
This Droid "update" if/when/maybe..... crap is just that - Crap.

"Update": Literally. Not 20 minutes after my post the Update started on my phone (funny) doesn't change anything but I won't say what I was thinking now, basically that I thought it wouldn't come.
All I care about is updated security patches such as they are.
So, for those waiting - It may be shorter than thought.
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