[APPS] Droid X/2 Overclock App - Easy & Noob friendly ;)


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Jan 25, 2010
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Orange County, CA

Droid Overclock allows full customization of CPU frequencies and adds a ton of extras to your rooted experience. To see screen shots and explanations read the full post. You can get Droid Overclock on the market. Check it out now!

Set CPU ranges / Profiles


CPU Frequency Scaling:

To control CPU scaling bounds you can use the sliders found in this section. By simply sliding the min and max slider you can fully control the CPU scaling bounds. The CPU frequency will always be between these two values.

Scaling Governors:

To set your preferred scaling governor use the dropdown list in CPU frequency scaling.

CPU governors control exactly how the CPU scales between your "max" and "min" set frequencies. Note that if you do not see your governor from the list below it is because your kernel does not support them

- ondemand: Available in most kernels, and the default governor in most kernels. When the CPU load reaches a certain point, ondemand will rapidly scale the CPU up to meet demand, then gradually scale the CPU down when it isn't needed.

- conservative: Available in some kernels. It is similar to the ondemand governor, but will scale the CPU up more gradually to better fit demand. Conservative provides a less responsive experience than ondemand, but can save battery.

- performance: Available in most kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "max" set value at all times. This is a bit more efficient than simply setting "max" and "min" to the same value and using ondemand because the system will not waste resources scanning for the CPU load. This governor is recommended for stable benchmarking.

- powersave: Available in some kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "min" set value at all times.

- userspace: A method for controlling the CPU speed that isn't currently used by SetCPU. For best results, do not use the userspace governor.


Profiles allow you to configure Droid Overclock to set your CPU speed under certain conditions. This is useful to manage battery savings. To use the profiles go into CPU frequency scaling -> Profiles and click Use Profiles. Here you can Add multiple profiles and control when they are used by changing the priority level.

Your profile settings will be triggered if the condition you set in the profile is met. For example, if you choose "Screen Off," the profile settings will be set when the screen is off.
Available Profile Conditions:

- Charging/Full: Set when the phone is charging from any source and when the battery is full while charging.

Charging AC/Full: Set only when the phone is charging from a wall plug (AC adapter) and when the battery is full while charging from a wall plug.

- Charging USB/Full: Set only when the phone is charging from a computer (USB port) and when the battery is full while charging from the USB port.

- Screen Off: Set when the phone's screen is turned off.

- Screen On: Set when the phone's screen is turned on.

- Battery: Set when the battery falls below a certain point. You will also be able to specifiy battery level for this profile.

- Temp > : Set when the battery or system temperature rises above a certain point. You will also be able to specify a temperature for this profile.

If you are a current or previous user of SetCPU you can also export and import SetCPU compatible profile databases. This is available by pressing the menu button and selecting Import DB or Export DB

Set Scaling Frequencies


Supported phones:

To use this feature your device must be on the supported list. Note that all other features will still work if your phone isn't supported to use the overclock module.

Set Scaling Frequencies:

To set scaling frequencies go into the "Set Scaling Frequencies" option and select the frequencies you prefer. To set your options at boot go into "Set Frequencies at Boot". On your next reboot that scaling frequency will be applied. Every device is different so try different options with caution. Test what works for your phone and begin at lower frequencies.

When settings scaling frequencies you will be provided with the option to choose preset voltages. The voltage presets are categorized as follows: Ultra low, low, medium and high voltage.

If you choose to use the advanced options it is highly suggested to start at stock frequencies and work your way up. Remember that if you raise frequencies you should also raise the vsel. Recommended vsel values can be found in the apps help/about section. If you select the "apply on boot" option your custom settings will be applied on each reboot.

Always make sure you have a nandroid backup and do not use the custom settings unless you are comfortable using an sbf.

How do we know which frequency/voltage to pick?

Testing. You should test each voltage and frequency over a period of time. So here are the signs you need to look for to know if what you are testing isn't working for you. And remember the higher the clock rate or Mhz the more likely a failure will occur. Force Closes on things that used to work properly on stock voltage and frequency (IE how your Droid came). Data corruption. Unexplained anomalies. The good news is, you shouldn't cause any damage to the hardware if you avoid generating too much heat, but your data on the other hand may become corrupted. Of course that is why we do nandroid backups before we do any new testing.



What are these extra options?

The extra options found in Droid Overclock can also be found in more abundance in Root Tools (check it out on the market).

Froyo Apps to SD Support:

Apps to SD support allows all your apps to be installed to external or internal storage. By default Android has set this to auto where the system will decide where apps will be installed to. Some apps should not be installed to the sdcard, including widgets and live wallpapers. To move an app to data or sdcard manually go into Settings -> Applications.

Ad Blocker:

Droid Overclock also has a built in Ad blocker. Don't like those adds popping up, turn ad blocker on :D

Free Memory:

This sets up the memfree task killer to leave a certain amount of ram free. Warning: Freemem is a script that tells the native task killer for Android to keep large blocks of memory available at all times. This is poor in practice as unused memory is wasted memory. It is best to use the default settings to allow the system to make the most out of the memory it has available.

Manage Cache:

This allows you to delete cache for all currently installed applications to free internal space. There are also option to move your cache to the sdcard or back.

Build.prop edits:

Changing build properties can increase performance and give you more customization. See below for details:

Call Ring Delay - This will make the phone ring faster when dialing is out. Defualt is 3000

Dalvik VM Heap - This setting is simple the maximum amount of heap space (read:memory) a single instance of the Dalvik VM (read:application) can obtain. Default is 32mb).

LCD Density: - Changing this value will generate the effect of changing the resolution on a PC screen. A lower value corresponds with a higher resolution! If you change the density and uninstall the app make sure to set the density at default unless you would like to keep your current settings.

Max Events Manager - Enables better scrolling through lists.

Proximity Delay - To make the phone come off of the "black screen" in the middle of, or the end of phone calls when you pull the phone away from your face.

Stagefright - Disables stagefright and enables OpenCORE solution.

Wifi Scan Time - Decreases the time between scans to save battery life. It is only applied when wifi is on. Default is 90


Under this option you can delete market search history, reboot, reboot recovery, power down, disable/enable your boot animation, and fix permmissions on Android data directories.



Droid Overclock also comes with a fancy widget to view your current battery temperature and your scaling frequencies.



The settings menu allows you to have full customization over your experience. Change boot time delay, themes, which module to use, profile settings and more.

Droid Overclock is brought to you by:

Jared Rummler (JRummy16) and Matthew Oaks (Xeudoxus)

Special thanks to:

Tiago Sousa (for the Milestone Overclock Project)
nadlabak - For patching in Froyo/2.2 Support
FreeWELL - Finding DroidX 2.2 locations/module
@JacksonBarber, Chris Malone and Steven Adkins - Awesome testing
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thanks jrummy16! i would also like to see an explanation of how to properly stress test a frequency setting and how long we should test it before applying at boot :)
I set my CPU to 1.45 using your app and it shut down, now it will not boot up, will get to lock screen and then shut itself off. Any suggestions? I did set it to start on boot...
you're supposed to test it for a while before applying at startup, i think you have to sbf if you can't get to bootstrap recovery
you're supposed to test it for a while before applying at startup, i think you have to sbf if you can't get to bootstrap recovery

I'm able to get to clockwork, should I just restore a backup? Will that set the cpu back to stock?
This app is really easy to use!

So far I've run medium voltage 1.2ghz just to see a high quadrant score of 1621 then backed it down to ULV 1.0ghz. So far so good, ran quadrant a bunch of times and played angry birds with no added issues on Rubix Focused 1.0 rom. I should be able to comment on battery life tomorrow.

So now that you have an X does that mean we'll be able to use a ROM from you in the near future?
yeah, if you have a backup that has the stock cpu settings you're good to go.
you're supposed to test it for a while before applying at startup, i think you have to sbf if you can't get to bootstrap recovery

I'm able to get to clockwork, should I just restore a backup? Will that set the cpu back to stock?

Restore a backup and you will be fine. Just be careful, each phone is different. Especially look out for high frequencies at low voltages.
This app is really easy to use!

So far I've run medium voltage 1.2ghz just to see a high quadrant score of 1621 then backed it down to ULV 1.0ghz. So far so good, ran quadrant a bunch of times and played angry birds with no added issues on Rubix Focused 1.0 rom. I should be able to comment on battery life tomorrow.

So now that you have an X does that mean we'll be able to use a ROM from you in the near future?

I'm planning on it.. We shall see with how busy I am ;)
Jrummy... first off awesome job on the app.

I don't know what the hell I am doing wrong but when I select a speed and voltage... my phone reboots and set cpu still says its at stock cpu speed.
Purchased the app. Great job, nice interface and works flawlessly. I prefer battery life, so I'm running at ultra low voltage and 1ghz freq. Running extremely stable. keep up the work :)

Oh and at ultra high v and 1.45, I got 1800 quad score.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Excellent work Jrummy. Haven't set anything to boot just yet but have ran servral benchmark tests with quadrant. First is medium voltage set @ 1.1-1.4, the second was low voltage 1.1-1.4, and the last is low voltage 900-1.4dancedroiddancedroid:icon_ banana::icon_ banana:

Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for the awesome app.. had it overclocked before but this makes it so much easier.. stable at 1.2 lv
This is the first app I have ever purchased and I can say it was worth way more than the .99 cents I've spent. Still working on 1.2ghz with low voltage, running like a champ. I did try to set it to anything over 1.2 and it would go into ULTIMATE CRAWL speed. It just draaaagged. Any ideas?
Jrummy... first off awesome job on the app.

I don't know what the hell I am doing wrong but when I select a speed and voltage... my phone reboots and set cpu still says its at stock cpu speed.
I'm having the same issue. If I select any of the listed voltages, and then select any of the available speeds, my phone reboots and I'm running back at stock. Any idea what the issue may be?