Droid X Black Screen of Death!


New Member
Sep 12, 2010
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About a week and a half ago my original DX I had since July died a slow and painfully agonizing death. It was mid-morning when I noticed the bottom of the screen flicker a bit, then after a few seconds streaks emerged with increasing darkness. Freaked out I pulled the battery and restarted to a virtually black screen. You could see an extremely faint M logo if you looked at it from specific angles with a bright light over the screen. After numerous ROMS, themes and sbf flashes I thought she was indestructible. But I guess we all have our breaking point. Through adb commands, hard resets and flashing the system 2.3.340 sbf to try and revive her, I had to call it quits. I was able to unroot her and send her back to vzw. I thought my troubles were behind me. Well that was about 10 days ago and now my replacement DX has a mind of it's own for the lower half of the screen. It is either completely black or grayish, streaky, completely normal, or lagging by a few seconds from the top part. The completely normal or lagging effects are very rare though, maybe 10% of the time, max. I did a few factory resets, brought it vzw who had not idea what was happening but ordered replacement #2. Before I put her in the grave too, can anyone help? Has this happened to anyone before?

Any help would be much appreciated!
Heres what I recommend...

1) Box up everything that came with the replacement device...

2) Get in car, truck, horse drawn cart, and head to nearest Verizon retail Store

3) March in to Verizon store, place defective device on the counter and ask to speak to the highest ranking person in the store at that time

4) Politely tell them what is happening, show them the device, and explain/show them that you have already tried a factory reset, battery pull, and even tried fairy dust...the device still does not function!

5) Roughly 2 hours later, leave Verizon store with "new" replacement device in hand, or a estimated arrival date of "new" replacement...amd a sore scalp from excessive hair pulling.

6) Get home, pour a drink of your choosing, and await the letter carried or Fed Ex truck...

Sorry...not really anything else to do that you havent already tried...so I went for humor...:biggrin:
Thanx for the quick reply. I have replacement phone #2 already in transit via our trusty FedEx friends. My primary concern is that I don't why DX1 committed suicide and DX2 developed dissociative personality disorder on her lower half all within two weeks. Aside from googling protective chants and charms and calling upon the guardian of the watchtowers of the East, is there a proactive measure i can take, besides keeping her virginity intact and forgoing root?
Thanx for the quick reply. I have replacement phone #2 already in transit via our trusty FedEx friends. My primary concern is that I don't why DX1 committed suicide and DX2 developed dissociative personality disorder on her lower half all within two weeks. Aside from googling protective chants and charms and calling upon the guardian of the watchtowers of the East, is there a proactive measure i can take, besides keeping her virginity intact and forgoing root?
Have you downloaded any "suspect" apps...especially any that came from the first phone to the second phone? I would put this at the bottom of the list though as to cause actual screen breakage, but it could be a possibility.

Other than that, do you work in a high electricity area, or an area with a high magnetic field? I know phones are shielded well, but back when my Dad was a welder, no watch he would buy would last a month with him running a high output electric welder because of the magnetic fields it generated...just a thought?
The bottom of the screen flickering was a hardware problem with early Droid X's.
Heres what I recommend...

1) Box up everything that came with the replacement device...

2) Get in car, truck, horse drawn cart, and head to nearest Verizon retail Store

3) March in to Verizon store, place defective device on the counter and ask to speak to the highest ranking person in the store at that time

4) Politely tell them what is happening, show them the device, and explain/show them that you have already tried a factory reset, battery pull, and even tried fairy dust...the device still does not function!

5) Roughly 2 hours later, leave Verizon store with "new" replacement device in hand, or a estimated arrival date of "new" replacement...amd a sore scalp from excessive hair pulling.

6) Get home, pour a drink of your choosing, and await the letter carried or Fed Ex truck...

Sorry...not really anything else to do that you havent already tried...so I went for humor...:biggrin:

Made me laugh, but sadly thats about what you have to do/go threw.
@ OP. This did not come about by ROM's, Theme's and sbf flashing. This my friend is a hardware

problem. As post #2 suggested I would take it to the store or call warranty. But what he didn't suggest

is the stiff drink you should have poured before the trip there or the phone call.