Droid X Gets Android 4.4.4 by Way Of Unofficial Cyanogen Mod 11 Build


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Oct 6, 2011
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It is hard to believe that a device that was EOLd nearly 3 years ago could still be receiving regular updates. This is one of the main reasons that I advocate the Android development community. This is one of the best reasons to root and rom your device. As long as your phone doesn't die you have the ability to run the latest and greatest firmware as long as developers continue to develop updated builds for your device. I will say that it is not normal to see a device this old still receiving updates, but even devices like the Galaxy Nexus are getting regular updates from the development community. The CM11 build brings Android 4.4.4 to the Droid X. You get all of the security fixes that you would find in AOSP Android 4.4.4. Head to the link below for the download and install instructions.

Via Rootzwiki
Wish I still had the old DX so I could slap CM11 on'r! Maybe I'll get one on ebay just for giggles